Anyone know the best online place to Get Forza Horizon 3 digitally. Kicking myself for missing the deal at US target by sleeping in yesterday. FYI, only interested in Legal/non account selling stuff not the dodgy garbage being posted on ebay and reddit. cdkeys seems to be about cheapest I have found?
Best Place to Get Digital Forza Horizon 3

My experience with either of those is you are more likely to get a code purchased with a stolen credit card or hacked account, neither of which are acceptable for me. I know some people don't care where the code comes from (as easily seen by the number of dodgy sellers with 100% ebay ratings), but for me it is not an option for it to be dodgy.
Find the cheapest price here:
Follow the instructions here:…Singapore xbox store seems to have a good price.
awesome, thanks funkay :-)
If this helps anyone trying this method. To redeem the SG gift cards in the right region I used this url.…
Just replace YOUR-KEY with your SG Giftcard keys.$69.99aud?
The final amount on my statement was $69.76 AUD
I still have yet to buy.
I am planning to paypal with 28degrees card linked.
Whirlpool Method2. Skip step 2 but edit address in paypal to a hotel in singapore.
Is that the way to go?
It doesnt really clarify how to pay via paypal.
@chinezejew: Yip, I used paypal, and made my address a hotel. That was the easy part, the hardest was making sure the microsoft store was in the right region. But after a bit of debugging I found that url with the right query params I posted worked. Even when the region at the bottom of the screen was United Kingdom(for me.)
I just bought IpVanish VPN.
I use it for other purposes.
Bonus now i can try use this method.
Best bet is to find someone on reddit/ebay that got multiple codes from Target and is reselling