Hello all.
Just letting you all know that if you acquired $25 Microsoft Store vouchers from Groupon that they expire tonight.
If you have no intention of using them. Feel free to post them here for others to use.
Anyone requiring a voucher, post below and ask for a member you private message you a code. If you send a code to a member let everyone know so they don't get more than they need.
If your unsure how to private message OR cannot be bothered, feel free to post your codes as a comment. When they've been used I'm sure someone will let everyone know.
Expiry time: 11:59PM AEST (Sydney Time) - Remember to factor in the recent daylight savings change.
BTW: If you request a code make sure you check back, so your code doesn't go to waste.
(Private messages can be found under the My Account tab above, notifications of responses to your comments can be found under the bell icon next to My Account)
I'm also looking for a code if anyone has one. Thank You!