Cheapest I have seen so far, post recall.
Shipping to AU $20, or $25 insured.
Blue coral out of stock.
Cheapest I have seen so far, post recall.
Shipping to AU $20, or $25 insured.
Blue coral out of stock.
CIA use this phone to give assignment briefings. After the message plays, it self destructs. Also hightly desirable by T's
So samsung is not going to honour the recall for any gray import? I see no issue in buying this and taking it to Samsung and claim your local Note 7.
Are you serious?? Should all Samsung products be removed??
You couldn't even afford it anyway.
This sort of thought process is eerily similar to that of Pauline's.
Look up how many iphones have exploded over the years, then see if you have that same mindset. You're extremely misinformed and clearly have no technical expertise of safety.
The N7, model of choice for the budding insurgent.
Funny how the comments here indicate that every single one of the 1.2M phones originally sold ended up decapitating their owners and their families.
Not to say this wasn't a problem, but far out, take it easy. Out of the 1.2M phones, how many exploded?
I understand this isn't a numbers game, and I'm rocking a Nexus so no fanboism here, but please guys, some perspective is required.
Finally. Someone with some common sense.
pretty sure there were over 2.5 million in the market
Of the phones sold, they weren't in the market for long. Over time who knows what percentage of them would have exploded if they hadn't been recalled.
Let's not be too dismissive of very reasonable safety concerns about a product line that has proven quite dangerous. I suffered second degree burns on my left index finger, middle finger and thumb at Christmas last year due to an inexplicable accident (as inexplicable as an exploding phone), and I assure you that burn injuries suck and any risk of them should be taken very seriously indeed.
Exactly what Sabaramo said
Also , Samsung isnt the only phone to have an exploding battery problem - Apple has suffered the same fate at some point in the past.
These things happen, get over it
Samsung even halted production?
a risk is a risk even if a small percentage. even if there were only 35 explosions/fires, no one wants to take that risk. so it's reasonable for everyone to not even bother with this 'deal'. especially when paying an arm and a leg (almost 1k) on a brand new flagship phone, you wouldn't want to lose your other arm and leg. the news are saying with the new models the phones are still overheating and causing fires which might cause another recall.
Also people lost part otheir homes with their washing machines after they assured all issues had been fixed.
It is easy to say get over it.
Try to tell these to people who suffered
People carry these in their pant pockets or shirt pockets,
I was a note 4 user then to LG G4
Not 7 user here. I have not been burnt
It's getting old.
I've got a replacement one.
You're only as old as you feel.
I spent $1300 (not including discounts :p). I'm going to love it even if it kills me.
This is 7.
I just came here to read the comments…
Grabs popcorn
bargain price for a bomb
yet u can still take them on board a plane??!?
I got woken up by a Qantas Air Hostess when I was sleeping on the plane after coming back from a work trip. I showed her my replacement receipt and the green battery sign on the always on display. The green battery indicates it's part of the new batch.
The note 7 has allready been recalled and the new ones are allready out. There are ways to identify the old ones. Also the old ones have had their recharge limit set to 60%. It does not say if these are the old or new ones. From the price may be some old stock of the old ones however that would be very dodgy of a seller to do this. Samsung will give you a brand new note 7 with all accesories if you return the old one to the place of purchase, so based on that would be very odd for a retailer to sell the old stock.
The green battery symbol on the Always on Display is an indicator that this is a new and safe Note 7.
"Return to place of purchase". I did read they will replace even if purchased grey imports. Not sure where you'd go in this case. Maybe Samsung stores.
Is this the non explosive version?
Too expensive as a grenade!
Fire in the hole
There are a lot of dodgy sellers out there & I wouldn't be surprised if some sell off their stock of recalled as 'New Replacements'. People do anything these days for profit. I would buy direct from Samsung just to be on the safe side.
Need to buy an anti explode case to protect myself. Not the phone haha
Can we buy this then replace it locally? I believe you can't claim if you don't have proof of purchase. Am I right?
They asked for my receipt when I went to exchange it from the Samsung store.
Can I charge this on Qantas still, or ban still in place.
You don't even own one, scrub. You're just here to make fun of people for being able to afford the Note 7.
I got called out for playing with my S7 Edge on a Qantas flight last week. I told the woman I got this in March and even brought my receipt to prove it to her.
I dont want no scrubs
You won't get a replacement Note 7, because they are able to discern the old batch from the new batch by the serial number.
Samsung I would rather have a removable big battery that would last me longer and not the slimmest phone feature. And that would be a less expensive recall in case of a faulty battery than to replace the phone itself.
Real Samsung fans don't care about removable batteries.
Samsung phones already give you 1+ day of battery life (5-6 days on ultra power saving mode) and waterproof ratings. I choose Ip68 and all glass design over removable battery. I haven't had a removable battery phone in 4 years and i Don't miss it.
Speak for yourself. Because you like it doesn't mean everyone else should or would.
"Real Samsung fans" - I didn't realize fake fans exist.
I speak for Samsung loyalists.
They're called anti-fans. A common type of fan in South Korea.
Considering Samsung is the #1 smartphone maker in the world, I'd say most people agree with me.
You don't even own a Samsung phone.
I have been a loyal Samsung user as well. Used s3, s4, s6 edge but not a battery fan for s6 though.
I have a samsung s6 edge phone and the battery sucks. I have to charge it atleast twice a day.
SHould've waited for the S7 Edge.
3600 mah battery is dope.
Turn off sync (turn it on while the phone is charging), change your background to black and factory reset the phone.
@niner: I agree with the above tips and it's nice that the S7e has a 3600mAh battery. What I can't quite fathom is why a flagship device in 2016 can't have as much as or more than 4000mAh. I don't want a slim phone. I would choose a thick phone over a slim one any day so long as the battery is a monster.
The convenience of having a replaceable battery cannot be over-emphasized. When your battery's health has deteriorated after a year (or two), pop a new one in and your device is as good as new.
In South Korea, your phone is a fashion accessory. My Korean friends like slimmer phones.
The batteries they use in Samsung phones will still hold a significant amount of charge after 4 years. This hasn't been an issue with flagship smartphones.
I have a Pen, I have a Note 7
The S pen being the cause of the explosion is stupid. The problem was with charging the battery. A charging cable would've made it more accurate.
Is this the replacement non exploding version?
Don't think it's. I have tried to look for "safe" note 7 without luck
Beware :—- Samsung has recalled this model and halted the sale globally..…