Xiaomi Red Note 3 Setup : No Australia Option in Locale

Hi all,

Excited to receive my RedNote 3.

Was trying to set up when I realised there is no Australia option when choosing the locale.

Did you guys get around this somehow? Or just selected something else (potentially in the same timezone)?

Is there any negative impact of choosing a different country?

Help appreciated.


  • Set as Vietnam , only downside is I don't get any rewards surveys.

  • I used India as they are English speaking, so I figured if it effected localalisation at all at least it would be in English. The only impact I've see this locale have on the system is the 'Mi Store' is set to India in terms of what they offer for sale etc.

  • I see….I chose Singapore for much the same reason of language and the same timezone (assumed timezone was a key issue).

    • I think I either chose Sing or HK for the same reason

  • Likely you have a vendor rom. Go into the settings, click About Phone, and tell us what your MIUI version number is.

    • Xiaomi never intended their products to be sold in Australia. That's why there is no Australia in the list.

  • I chose Singapore and it's been fine. But for some reason Swiftkey with UK English won't let me set the default currency symbol to a dollar sign.

  • I think the Chinese mobiles have the same problem. I had an OPPO, also no Australia for me to choose. I chose Sing then.

  • My phone keeps reverting back to the locale timezone everytime it's been switched off and on. It's a PITA. Anyone else seeing this?

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