Hi all ozbargains.
Get large slurpee for a dollar, normally around 3.60?
Hi all ozbargains.
Get large slurpee for a dollar, normally around 3.60?
Get the sugar free zilched flavours!
I had no idea they even did sugar free ones. Do they taste any good?
ever had water? just like that
What the hell were you drinking? Pretty much tastes the same as normal slurpee. Still sweet.
I enjoy them but I'm used to the taste of artificially sweetened beverages.
Finally got one today and confirm that they're delicious! :)
@flipsahoy: I agree. The sugar free ones are really nice…but as noted previously it probably ain't great for you. Here is hoping at least we die happy right?
In practice, artificial sweeteners tend to increase your sugar cravings as your brain still expects sugar but doesn't get the dopamine hit and leads you to seek out sugar.
all i do is try to avoid phenalyanine
but im pretty sure im just avoiding one poison for others :P
This only applies to the artificial sweetners found in coke/pepsi.
@samfisher5986: No it applies to all artifical sweeteners.
Sugar acts on the brain like an addictive drug such as alcohol: after long terms use the brain undergoes a process known as priming when it merely expects an sugar intake and artifical sweeteners cause this response. After priming the person experiences intense cravings when the sugar isn't delivered.
Why? Do you have the disease Phenylketonuria? Because that would be the only reason to avoid phenylalanine, which is in no way harmful in people who don't have phenylketonuria.
Oh goodness…. another artificial sweetener hater, have we?
The study you sighted leads with "Several large scale prospective cohort studies found positive correlation between artificial sweetener use and weight gain". Yet in recent years, particularly with Alan Aragon's findings, it is largely contingent on diet context and is therefore proven otherwise.
-You act as though a craving or the fact that your brain was expecting sugar forces you to go and eat several chocolate bars as some sort of trade-off to drinking a regular sugar-laden can of coke…..
Nobody is forcing you, but just as sugar addiction can strongly influence behavior, so can this.
Ultimately I'm not a scientist studying this area, but I have seen accredited doctorates saying something to this effect (see the video I linked further down).
To me that is sufficient cause to generally avoid them (not any more than sugar because I agree that they are not intrinsically harmful or poisonous as some claim).
Hungry Jacks and Mcdonald always $1
not always. were.
not anymore at hungry jacks now
Still $1 Hungry Jacks … that other post on OzBargain turned out to be incorrect.
Got $1 froke at HJs yesterday, only got a medium though - not sure if that was correct or not idk idc
HJ are full of air
And the other half is ice
7-11 is liquid goodness
Slurpees are way better than the HJ and Maccas versions! The Slurpee texture is much fuller and smoother. And the taste is richer as well. With the HJ / MC versions, its essentially not-so-fine crushed ice with soda.
The ones from Maccas are smaller, medium size.
A large 7-Eleven Cola Slurpee contains 84g (21 teaspoons) sugar
all i need is some cheap cigarettes and some transfat fries (add msg for flavour) and salt em up for taste.
Over double your daily recommended sugar intake if you're male (9 teaspoons) or triple (6 teaspoons) if you're female.
you have to wonder why they don't put warning labels on these foods. just like cigarettes
It's the power of politics and special interests. Plus societal awareness and social policy always lags the science. Like it did with cigarettes and black lung. Chronically couching up blood and work in a coal mine? Unrelated, must be a lifestyle cause. Right now, you ask the average person and they will say if you exercise then you can eat whatever you want and not gain weight, or that only fat people get diabetes. Once the obesity / diabetes epidemic starts to hit critical mass there will probably be more meaningful action.
Problem is, that too, may get watered down. Under the table funding of researchers by the sugar lobby in the US is how the western world ended up with products that cut fat (because they thought it was the major cause of Coronary Heart Disease) but then simply substituted it with sugar. Agricultural lobbying is how we ended up with a food pyramid that prioritises grains over fruits & vegetables.
Also, obligatory reference - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBnniua6-oM
I love you red sky. I really do try to be healthy but its hard given all these messages around…
Honestly, I think the confluence of competing interests / information makes it seem complicated, but it's all really straightforward. Primarily lean meat & vegetable / vegetable derived products with some fruits. Minimise / avoid anything processed or with added sugar.
At least some regular exercise and some weight (at least body weight) training. From my own experience it's always the initial step that's the hardest, i.e. weaning yourself off carb / sugar addiction, building a habit of exercise. After a while the junk food cravings go away, and if anything you get addicted to the endorphin rush of exercise and it becomes compulsive.
@RedSky: Thanks red sky. I am paleoish AIP due to eczema and minimise my intake of the processed stuff. But yes the endorphin rush that comes from picking up junk food does not help at all, and having it around (and on sale) can be annoying.
I am going to change the balance and start posting health related bargins! Starting with the mind body spirit thingy…and other things I come across…
that's the same amount as a Rockstar Energy drink.
In the interests of public health expenditure…
About time they caught up with the competition. with KFC joining the marketplace too (Frozen Pepsi and Frozen Mountain Dew), all with the convenience of the drive thru, they can not hold out any longer. Does this have an expiry?
Frozen Mountain Dew?
distant airhorn noises
Nope. Email states:
The weather’s changing for the better, and so are our Slurpee prices.
This isn’t a limited time thing. This is forever - like from now until the end of time.
sorry - are we talking about Slurpee prices, or employee wages? I just wanted to confirm
Small 80c
Large $1
Super $2
Mega $3 ($2 with ATM voucher)
$3.90 for a Mega at the Camperdown store next to RPA hospital. They very much price gouge on everything but the deals there. (I always use the voucher though).
No longer $3.90 permanent price of $3
Can you tell me the ml's of each size?
What is this "ATM voucher" and where do I get it?
cheap, cold, nice and sugary.
I heard on the radio "now and always, $1 large"- sounds quite permanent to me
Oh god, it's one of these days again. Well, atleast it isn't "bring your own cup" day.
A few years ago, they had one of those. I went to 3 different 7-eleven and every one of these had their slurpee sold out. I was informed by a friend that one in the middle of nowhere still had some slurpee, so we drove there. When we pulled up, we saw another car pulled up with us, and he was holding a bucket.
Then another car pulled up as we were leaving the driveway. Those kids went in with those tin trashcans that you find in school playgrounds.
Sugar is evil
*High fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is evil
Humans are made to digest and metabolis Sugar better however Fructose is total different story…its the real 'poison'
Sugar is Fructose (and Glucose)
exactly…its only 50% fructose however food that use Fructose as the sweetner 100% of the motabilism is via the fructose cycle and therefore much more detrimental
@ahly92: Sugar is just as detrimental when taken in large doses (such as a large slurpee).
No point trying to separate the issue when people on average are consuming too much sugar.
Hitler ate sugar!
Btw, this is permanent. They are staying this price.
Are they still being underpaid?
Up to $1.50 now.
Diabetes was never this cheap!