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Golden Gaytime Cornetto 4pk 440ml $5 @ Woolworths

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Who's cra-cra for gay-gay? You'll be crazy not to try Gaynetto Gaytime Cornetto.

Considering OzB penchant for Dyson, eneloops and Gaytimes, this new alternative union of Gaytime and Cornetto should go down a treat.
Save $1.99, though Cornettos occasionally drop to $4 this isn't too bad a price. Connoisseur 4pk are half price this week if you're not ready to experiment.

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closed Comments

  • -5

    OMG… I thought you were being mildly offensive, but that's what the ice cream is called on the website!!!

    • +5

      Corntime just doesn't hold the same ring.

    • Yep, the round label on the top of the cone says gaynetto

  • wow…when did this happen

  • The Gaynetos only came into stores last week… they should be a hit!

    • only came into stores last week

      So only 36 weeks until we have a little baby store.

    • +1

      It's been 2-3 weeks at least.

    • They've been around for a while. We bought a box on sale 4 weeks ago.
      (that are not that good either)

  • do they contain gelatine like the regular gaytimes?

    • +1

      Not by the looks of it! Looks veggo friendly.

  • +5

    7/10 I personally think the original Golden Gaytime is better

    It's like that Golden Gaytime in a tub hype all over again

    • +3

      I didn't like the tub, for comparison what score would you give the original and the tub?

      • +3

        Well I'm a huge Golden Gaytime fan so this is gonna be very biased but as far as supermarket ice-creams go..

        9/10 Original - would buy again
        3/10 Tub - won't buy again

        • +2

          Actually, I think I was being a little too generous with that 7/10 rating.
          Should be 5/10 - quite average. Cornetto's aren't my thing

    • +2

      yeah this is what I was going to say.. the stuff in the tub sucked

    • +1

      Agreed. It doesn't taste as nice.

  • +3

    Few people like it. Better to eat them separately.
    The chocolate on top tastes rancid and there is no crunch aside from the cone. Even worse than the tub.

    Go to Streets FB page and see the comments a few posts down.. .https://www.facebook.com/streetsicecream/?hc_ref=SEARCH&fref=nf

    • +3

      I’ll never eat a Cornetto again after the last lot I got all tasted like crap. This was chocolate or vanilla or both. Drumsticks only since then.

      • +3

        Agreed, Cornettos are disappointing.

        • aldi "drumsticks" are quite decent. 4 for $3

        • @altomic: Cheers for the recommendation!

  • +2

    don't waste your money. it's not great. i have 3 left in my fridge after buying this 4 pack 2 weeks ago. no one wants to eat it.

  • +1

    Normally I can't say no to a gaytime, but might have to give this one a miss.

    • that's what she said?

  • cra-cra

  • +2

    I rather eat a** than this.

    • Do you eat it like groceries?

  • It doesn't look real gay to me.

    More like a regular cornetto with a bit of nut action of the top. A gaytime is much more than a bit of nut action but it sounds like not much is going on when you really get into it.

  • Ironically I prefer a Gaytime and a classic Cornetto more than this one.

    Big fan of the new Malteasers ice cream though!

    • Oh Ive been eyeing those, but waiting till I get through the 1/2 price connoisseur pb and pretzel ice cream I got (which by the way, is freaking great)

  • i might have gotten a dodgy pack but one of either the crumbs or choc sauce had a smoky flavour. they either added chicory to it or something got burnt?

  • I gotta say I was disappointed, they are no good. The ice cream (tub version) I liked tho

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