Congrats :)
No point entering today then people!
Share to Facebook etc for an extra entry
Congrats :)
No point entering today then people!
tbh I did it pretty much on the dot at midnight.. may possibly have been related to that?
Possibly :)
Was that Melbourne time or Perth time?
I've been posting my referral on Twitter and twice now it's been blocked after using the provided referral link after entry completion.
Just wondering if anyone else has had this happen?
"this shortlink has been disabled. It was found to be violating our Terms of Service. Click here and here for more information about our terms and policies respectively."
Just had a win - "You're today's lucky winner!"
Just got congratulations email for details etc… so looks like glitch wins are been honoured :)
Yep same :)
Update: giftcard arrived today :)
There seems to be an large number of wins today, so far myself, my work colleagues, brother and missus have all won and have entered within the last hour. Hopefully its not a glitch and they honour it (given theres only 61 gift cards)
Yeah you're right, I just 'won' :)
Right, someone contacted them on FB, they said there was a glitch but they will honour the wins :) woo cheers for the heads up!
thats awesome mate, do you have a link to the post?
Winner for today.
I won a $25 gift card when they had the glitch earlier this week and they still honoured it… love some of the artwork they have in store for
my kids rooms.
Ended - mark closed
Just won a $25 gift card! :)