My son has pestered his Gran into buying the Star Wars Millenium Falcon (the $200-250 one) for Christmas. I am trying to get the best deal for my mum ; any ideas. Is there a 20% off deal coming with one of the major stores who may have it in stock?
Lego Star Wars Millenium Falcon
Lcornishnat on 27/09/2016 - 12:21
That's Target USA?
shiieeet sorry didnt even check that
totally unrelated but according to a few news articles lego seems to have a better return investment than gold is the excuse I tell my wife.
Both Myer and David Jones have 20% off at the moment.
I can't find it on either of their websites, but Myer definitely has it in-store.
Shop for me had them for 180 for a bit. Check the Hut too.