Switch Phones?

I'm currently faced with dilemma, I currently own a Nexus 6P that I got at the beginning of the year. Recently there has been an opportunity for me to switch to an iPhone 7 Plus (parents company phone they dont want it etc.), I can't decide whether I should switch or not. I am a fan of Google and especially Nexus (I do not like any other android phone) but I've been fed up with the recent updates from Google's side and the look of their new 'Pixel' phones confuses me. I have a Macbook pro and an iPad so im also in apple's ecosystem. Also the Nexus has a really soft power button which gets on my nerves.

Thanks for all the help



  • +5

    Iphone 7 because it is clearly better. Apple make the best phones on this planet and will do so for another 20 years at least.

    • +3

      Upvoted you for sarcasm

      • -1

        lol 3 downvotes. Some people thought the above comment was serious.

  • give the iphone a go, you will either love it or hate it

    i hate them, wife loves them………..

    • Yeah, I agree. All my partner does is email, maps, take photos and use social media, but insists on spending $1200 on a new iphone every year. I nearly got a heart attack last week when I saw she spent $1500 on a 256 GB iphone. She earns more than me, so I can't complain.

  • http://www.quickmeme.com/img/06/0606dc9e03f7bd8f603e121d2d8f…

    I am in a similar situation. A family member of mine works for a US company and he gets iphones from them. I end up receiving the iphone free of charge, but I rarely use it, because I prefer my s7 edge.

    I use the iphone to facetime with my family members who aren't tech savvy and use iphones. Itunes, AKA APple spyware, makes me want to palm thrust my iphone sometimes.

    I'll never get off Android, because I can test my custom made apps, can use tasker and I can mess around with the various Android distros. Stupid Apple still has a lock on their ability to read NFC tags and can't wireless charge. I haven't plugged a cable into my phone for a few years now. Everything is done wirelessly on my Samsung phones.
    Hopefully that gives you some idea about why I still use both and why my main device is Android.

    • +2

      You should be banned from Ozbargain. A FREE iPhone and you want to still want to pay for another phone.

      If I was fortunate enough to be offered any high end phone for free I'd take the plunge, religion or not.


      • Work for a big multinational US company :p.

        IT's still an iphone lol. I wouldn't use an iphone as my daily driver if someone paid me to use it.

        • And I thought engineers soul purpose for being was accuracy😀

  • +3

    If there is little to no financial deficit, I would say take the plunge.
    You can use the iPhone 7 Plus for a while and see how it feels.

    If you like it, well you can keep it.
    If you don't like it…
    ….well at least by the time you've made up your mind, the next Nexus will be out.
    And now you could get the new Nexus.
    Or if you don't like it, you can grab a brand new Nexus 6P at discount !

    Both the iPhone, Nexus, and Next-nexus will get quick updates/support for a long time.
    That's my suggestion anyway.

  • iphone: provided by a company that makes most of it's money from selling devices and distribution of content.

    android: provided by a company that makes most of it's money from serving ads which involves collecting as much data as it possibly can from your device.

    • Both are trying to lock you into their eco system too.

    • +4

      You have to be incredibly ignorant of how software works or you're just in denial. Apple collects so much user data and usage from itunes alone. Are you even a developer or engineer? Clearly not.

      Apple: The company that forces users to pay ridiculous premiums for technology that costs peanut to make and most of which is not manufactured by Apple themselves and then convince the customers that they're getting a good deal.
      You're not doing yourself any favours by constantly hopping on Apple's golden bandwagon. Your money is just going into the hands of rich jewish and American businessman who hide their money in Swiss banks and in Ireland.

      Android: That's what open source development is all about. Giving users the choice.
      Although, Google is equally at fault for their invasive applications such as Allo.

      • +1

        Most of the cost is in software, R&D and customer support. It is ignorant to value a phone by the actual cost of parts.

        App developers use what analytics they want despite platforms. You should be more worried about this, however, who knows what else is added to Chinese android builds.

        Android phones are usually cheaper because google releases a software base freely. Google has already subsidised a large majority of the phone.

        • -1

          Most of the cost is in software, R&D and customer support

          Keep telling yourself that. The materials do in fact cost more than the average person thinks considering Apple's dependencies, but very little compared to the cost of the phone and their abhorrent labor practices in China. The R&D, Software and customer support comes under the cost of the project and not the cost of a phone. Apple sources the funds from investors and loans then estimates how quick and how much money will come back as profit after launch.

          Profit is then reinvested and spread to the diverse areas. You don't charge the cost of your engineers based on the cost of your product. That's not how product development and sales works in a large multinational.
          They have massive cash reserves enough to start their own country. They're not running out of funds for their R&D. Most of their hardware is sourced from Samsung and Chinese manufacturers, so don't bring that anti-Chinese propaganda bullshit to this argument. Lenovo is the #1 PC (taking into account Apple's presence too) and CHina makes most of the world's technology. I guess we're all under China's reach.

        • @niner: LOL. I rest my case

        • -1


          You're clearly not an engineer or business person, so you don't have any specialist knowledge.

        • +4

          @niner: right now I'm a person replying to a retard.

        • @supnigs:

          No, an engineer who works in communications and hardware design.
          Any questions?

          What makes you so confident that you're so knowledgeable and right.

        • +2

          @niner: as I thought. One that has been confined to their specialist task only.

        • -1


          Why would a reputable mobile company such as Samsung sign off on releasing explosives disguised as mobile phones?

  • iPhone. But use your google account for syncing your contacts and calendars, and google photos to backup your photos, that way if your wish to switch back to Nexus, it is very easy. Most of the important apps are available in both platform anyway. Since your already use the Mac and iPad , you already familiar with iOS UI anyway. You will find iPhone camera better than Nexus, and Apple customer service is first rate.

  • Make the switch. I made a similar switch from the one plus one to a company paid iPhone 6. Enjoying the ecosystem, mainly coz it's free. Due to my own usage habits and needs, the change to iOS has been fine.

    Got an iPad Air 2 en route as well. Fanboi in the making.

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