Just wondering if anyone has downgraded there PS3 to 3.55 themselves and can share some info.
Just wondering if anyone has downgraded there PS3 to 3.55 themselves and can share some info.
Seems like he wants to jailbreak it.
Probably wants to download PS3 cracked games unto a hard-drive.
Talking about GTA Online cheating… does anyone here play it on PC/Steam?
Are the lobbies full of cheaters? Or are there "safe lobbies"?
Talking about GTA Online cheating… does anyone here play it on PC/Steam?
Are the lobbies full of cheaters? Or are there "safe lobbies"?
Yeah I have it on Steam. I only play every other week or so but haven't encountered a cheater for a while. From my experience most lobbies are fine
I downgraded to 3.55, from 3.56 :p. (which is a simple update.pup soft downgrade)
Anyway it's fairly complicated to downgrade from later firmwares, you have to open up the console and it requires some expensive equipment.
PSX-Scene is my website of choice for guides on this kind of thing.
By the way, this thread may get deleted as jailbreaking is synonymous with piracy, even though you can do many other things with a jailbroken console.
no i can't be bothered downgrading my ps3, i just buy the games. also depends on which version of the console you have.
The post says downgrading, there's no mention of jail breaking
there's no real benefit from downgrading to 3.55 other than to run CFW on your Ps3.
I think asking if he can down-grade the software on a device that he has purchased is a fairly simple question that doesn't need to be interpreted in a negative light - such as assuming that any jailbreaking or cheating is going to occur.
Why can't the guy just get some advice from anyone who has managed to achieve this task?
Might be a bit late but yes I have downgraded friends ps3s a few times in the past and plan to do one sometime soon because I just bought a slim tonight specifically for this purpose (plus I had my e3 flasher sitting around being useless so figured I should put it to use).
You use E3 flasher (or progskeet? thing) basically you need a hardware flasher but using E3 is actually not THAT hard just have to read a lot first make sure you know what your doing and just be careful. Its actually as 'easy' as opening it up and clipping the e3 flasher clip onto the nor chip, making sure its secure, making multiple dumps then patching a dump and reflashing.. Well there might be other steps or I might have something wrong here (havent done it for a few years so need to read up again myself) but its pretty much how you do it.
You can only really do it on slims (or phats) with date code prior to 2011 (if its first quarter of 2011 its possible you can do it but possible you cant.)
There are multiple reasons to install CFW, one of the main ones for me is being able to run emulators and homebrew (PS2 games on your ps3 should have been easy NOT hard and require 'hacking'), at least that's why I want to do it, I certainly dont want to cheat in any games or anything like that and if you do cheat id expect a console and maybe PSN ban pretty quickly. Of course you can remove the ban but I think you have to go back to 3.55 and then get a mac address from non banned console. Not exactly something Id want to do.
You can also dual boot so when playing online you boot to OFW and when wanting to play emus or what not you can run your CFW but I dont know much about that and it seems kind of painful (have to hardwire the e3 so also works out more expensive)
Hope this helps some.
Planning to cheat in GTA is gonna get you banned for sure.