Does anyone know how to use CreditMe2U on the Telstra Prepaid Plus? I have tried texting 1258888, dialing #100# and m.telstra.com.au but all these methods have recently been removed. Is there any way around it?
CreditMe2U on Telstra Prepaid Plus

Last edited 10/01/2017 - 09:53 by 1 other user
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I haven't swapped plans before. So right now on PP Plus I have $30 credit. If I switch to BT thansfer the $30 out and then swap back to PP Plus I assume I will have $0 credit but what about the bonuses, data etc.. will that reset?
Probably won't be able to use it; you need minimum 25 cents
Well If I creditme2u 3 times I will still have $0.25 in my account when I transfer back won't I?
You can only transfer $29 out anyway as it is 25 cents per CreditMe2U (leaves 25cent on account)
@kerfuffle That's true with the Plus Packs but bonuses don't work the same. there is no min. balance required to use them. Source: I use bonuses with a $0 main balance without problem on four services.
My understanding is that if you change prepaid plans, then change back, you get back your original bonuses, provided that they have not expired. I haven't tested it, but I'm sure I read that. If you try it, let us know how it goes. I'll be trying the same thing on Wednesday, if you don't.
Yeah actually not sure if I will now. On the app just before I was about to change offers it said "If you are moving away, you will not be able to change back to your original offer"
How do you have $30 credit? You should only have that if you had it already when you changed to Prepaid Plus. A $30 recharge on Prepaid Plus doesn't give you $30 credit. It just gives you bonuses and $5 Plus credit for international calls
Drats, have Telstra closed the texting method? Annoying! That was the only method that ever worked for Prepaid Plus (neither m.telstra.com.au or #100# ever worked), I was able to move the credit out on 26 Aug using texting, but expected it wouldn't last long.
The reply I got from texting was "This service is only available to Telstra Prepaid Plus customers"
Which is strange because that's what I am. Maybe it will work for you instead.Telstra closed that method for new activations. If you were able to use 1258888 before then you will continue to be able to (for now at least), but new activations have no choice but to switch to Simplicity then back to PP+. Don't know what Data Pass customers will do, at least Google Play is still available on those services.
Then it's hidden within the Recharge options.I can't see it there? Only: Credit card, scheduled recharge, voucher, paypal, cheque/savings, home.
For me it's number 6 in between Cheque/Saving and Home. I'm on Freedom Plus by the looks though.
Prepaid Plus and Data Pass don't have access to that.
I have a datapass that wouldn't allow me to transfer the credit via the 1258888 number yesterday. I got the same message. This offer is only available to Telstra Prepaid Plus customers. Was able to do it only a few days ago.
If you change offers,do you definitely lose all forms of credit?
hopefully swapping to BT LL or simplicity to CME2U and then back to PP+ will work ok
But….When you select to change offers it says "you will lose all bonuses and all available credit if you change offers".
One user on whirlpool has confirmed that switching plans works and bonuses are still available when switching back to PP+
Today I activated sim on PP+, change to simplicity, transfer via CM2U, change back to PP+, all bonuses still there.Oh wow.. thanks for updating! good to know.
One thing I noticed with PP+ is that you can use the $30 credit to buy data packs ($20 2.5gb) which is a good feature if you use these packs as your main number and port out and in all the time.Yes sorry I meant to provide an update that this works. One wrinkle is that you only transfer $10 per day. Workaround steps are:
0 pick a time late at night.
1 turn off mobile data (expensive on Simplicity)
2 change to simplicity
3 transfer $10 via credit me 2 u
4 leave phone until early next morning
5 transfer another $10 using credit me 2 u
6 change back to prepaid Plus & turn mobile data back on
7 use phone normally until prepaid plus bonuses expire 28 days after activation
8 change back to simplicity
9 transfer $9 using credit me 2 u
10 Port outDoing this you get all the prepaid plus bonuses and the benefit of the credit.
Also, if you haven't used the $5 bonus credit by close to its expiration, donate it to charity using premium SMS, and do something useful with it + get a tax deduction.
Great thanks very much for that I will give it a go.
I have been successful in the past (when I was on freedom plus) to do 2 creditme2u transfer on the same day by using 2 methods immediately after each other (e.g sms and web transfer). Do they still offer these transfer options on the simplicity plan.
Also why did you wait until to the end of the month to transfer the remaining $9?
Thanks for the update. And good tip about the donation too!I tried to do a transfer using sms, web and #100#, with all 3 methods within a few seconds of each other. On the old freedom plus this approach worked and would allow moving $29 out in one go. That's no longer the case. #100# worked, SMS gave an error a saying "This service is only available to Telstra Pre-Paid Plus customers", and web refused to work (forget what it said, but I think it was saying there's a max of $10 transfered per day) I.e. Telstra have closed that loophole some time in the past 30 days, as far as I can tell. Hence you now need 3 separate days to get the credit out.
I guess you don't have to wait until the end of the month to get the last $9 out. It means 3 changes of plan instead of 4, and I was a little concerned about the max of 10 plan charges per 12 months limit that Telstra have. But I'm assuming that limit must reset every time we port in and out?
For the donation, Google: Text Giving - Telco Together Foundation. I used the oxfam $5 donation number a few days ago, worked great, it used the bonus credit not the recharge credit, and I got a sent by text a receipt for tax, that arrived a few seconds later.
@huntress_love: Yeah that website isn't as clear as it could be. Current charities are on this page: http://www.telcotogether.org/TextGiving/Charities.aspx - i.e. cerebral palsy or Oxfam are the current options, and the picture on the same page includes the 19 phone numbers to text + the word you have to send.
Hi, just wondering is this all done via #100#?
Yes, via #100#
Can probably also be done via the m.telstra.com site too.
The above is all within the rules, so it's not relying on anything broken, so should work with any of the interfaces for managing your account & transferring credit, which is now only #100# and the m.telstra.com website.@nickj: Oh thanks! Yeah, I've successfully done it via m.telstra.com but can get only $28 transferred since data eats up part of the remaining $1.
After we change from PP+ to Simplicity and perform Me2U, there's going to be a low recharge credit balance - how are we then allowed to move back to PP+?
Can creditme2u be used to buy a call and data pack. For example; if I buy my child a pre paid plan for let's say $40 per month that includes calls and data, can I send her the $40 and then she pays for the plan with that, or is there another way that she can use my credit to pay for calls and data at reasonable rates. I have approx $1500 credit that I have accumulated, it is cash but I can't cash it out (long story)
Your child could for example switch to Simplicity, and use the credit to PAYG for calls and data. You'd want to set up an automated transfer (e.g. using SMS credit2me transfers + the automate app on Android) every 2 weeks or less, to prevent the transferred credit from expiring. I'm unsure about buying data and call packs with the credit. But (to the best of my knowledge) you can't pay for something like prepaid plus using the accumulated credit.
When you say you can't cash it out, do you mean you can't spend it on the Google play store? Because if you can, an alternative is to cash it out using an app like t-cashback or the (since removed) rebatr. That converts at 50 or 55 cents in dollar into direct bank credit (for t-cashback, but a delay of 4 or 5 weeks) or paypal credit (for rebatr; paypal credit is basically indistinguishable from cash if you use online shopping or eBay or pay your Telstra landline bill online), so from $1500 you'd get around $750 to $825 back as cash or cash equivalents. But there are limits to how much you can spend per month (the limit is $500 per calendar month, and $100 per transaction; see: https://whirlpool.net.au/wiki/telstraprepaid#tppm_drawdown ; so it'd take you 3 months minimum to draw that balance down).
Personally, I'd never let my credit get that high! There's a risk you mightn't be able to use it later (Telstra could remove withdrawal options), you might forget to recharge and it could expire, their automated recharges could stuff up and it expires and you have to chase them to get it back (happened to many people maybe 6 months ago), there are some withdrawal limits, etc. I.e. there's real no benefit and there is substantial risk to keeping a high credit balance. I deliberately keep mine at $50 or less, but if you have a good use for it then you might want to keep it at $150 or less.
Thanks, I will look into that. As I said the credit is a very long story, it expires in 2026 and was accumulated from an old plan whereas I received money from every call I received.
Yes swap to LL or BT or Simplicity then swap straight back to PP Plus.(no need to recharge)
disclaimer haven't done this myself.
see http://whrl.pl/ReIVCr
Least risky is simplicity plan (imho) lowest charges for calls/data/etc