Hi All,
I recently purchased a Xiaomi air purifier 2 and was wondering if anyone here knew a good source for the filters. Are there fake filters being sold or can I trust the filters being sold by Gearbest or Geekbuying?
Hi All,
I recently purchased a Xiaomi air purifier 2 and was wondering if anyone here knew a good source for the filters. Are there fake filters being sold or can I trust the filters being sold by Gearbest or Geekbuying?
I was looking into the Xiaomi Air Purifiers as well, How do you rate it?
Any tangible benefits after using it?
In my opinion it's leagues over anything that sells over here in that price bracket(Homedics,Cli-mate,Ionmax etc.) especially in terms of air flow rate and noise.
The more expensive ones like Blueair,IQair,Inovaair & Daikin are top of the line but are much more costly to run.
Do also note that the Xiaomi purifier doesn't have any UV/Ionisation filtration that some others may have(although some say these features have the chance to be detrimental to the air quality e.g. release of tiny amounts of ozone etc.)
Thanks ozbooty. I'm currently using 3M Filtrate on my air conditioner(fan only) and it seems to suck a lot of dust.
I change it maybe every 2 months and it seems OK for now.
Everything Xiaomi including the purifiers are genuine at Geekbuying. I haven't seen or heard of any fake filters for the Mi Air Purifier. They're also cheaper at Geekbuying ;)
Thanks for those links ozbooty.
wombok2: I've only had it for a couple of weeks so can't give you proper feedback yet. I purchased it in the hope it would reduce my sneezing. I think it has, but it could also be acting as a placebo.
Clear: Shipping puts it over the others unfortunately
Anyone know why would you purchase the blue economical version if the green 'better' one costs more?
Thanks mate. I also found this for anyone interested
Thanks jtb, the concept sounds really promising(cleaner air, IoT air purifer, etc) so I'll consider it again in the future.
I know this is awhile ago. I'm kind of in the same situation as I recently moved in an old apartment with old carpet. Is the xiaomi air purifier still worth getting? Does your sneezing problem improved?
Thank and appreciated your reply
Does anyone know where can I get this purifier ant a good price? Also what's the cheapest you've seen ?
It's US$129.99 + US$1.76 Aus Priority Line Shipping at Gearbest.
Same product price at Geekbuying but shipping costs are killer (cheapest was US$70 or something)
Filters are cheaper at Geekbuying but shipping kills it again, more than the filter cost.
The auto mode doesn't seem too reliable if this review is correct.
Any owners done their own testing?
Gearbest: http://www.gearbest.com/living-appliances/pp_374015.html
Aliexpress: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Orginal-Xiaomi-Green-Air-Pur…
The green filter also apparently filters formaldehyde and has coconut shells as the source for the carbon filter.
I don't think there would be an issue regarding authenticity especially with gearbest which sells the actual air purifier as well.