• expired

$3 for $17.50 UberEats Voucher SYD (New UberEats Customers) @ Groupon Via App

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$3 for $17.50 Ubereats Voucher for Sydney @ Groupon

Was for Melbourne and now available for sydney


Referral Links

Referral: random (1449)

$0 Delivery Fee on your First Order. Referrer receives something too (Likely free delivery on next order). Cannot be stacked with new user signup codes.

Related Stores

Groupon Australia
Groupon Australia
Uber Eats
Uber Eats

closed Comments

  • new users only

    • Since Uber and Ubereats accounts are the same and this doesn't explicitly say "first order" I guess it's for Uber newbs?

      • +1

        worked for me even with old UBER account

  • Check valid locations before buying. For Sydney, delivery is still limited to CBD and surrounding suburbs. :(

    • -4

      Awesome , I'm working in the cbd today . So are over 20000 other employees

  • +1

    Don't suppose we get a link back to the original coupon post?
    An expiry date?
    A non mobile link?


    That's ok, someone will fix it up for you…

    • -7

      Go do some real work buddy . There is a customer waiting for you

      When I get to a computer I'll do it . Currently on train commuting to work

      At the very least I find my deal , I don't copy all my deals from slick deals and other forums

      • +4

        new users only what a rubbish deal when you can get $20 off with referral codes

      • +1

        Well you make an income out of your posts, I don't, so you could at least put some effort in.

        • -5

          All you do is try and justly your actions

          Seriously go and put some effort in finding deals buddy

          Have a nice day . Have no time for your nonsense today

        • +1


          Ah ok, so the 300+ vote polished man deal was stolen?

          The jealousy is strong in this one

        • +2


          So that's 2 mods now that have had to fix it.
          Jees you'd think you were on L plates.

        • @Spackbace: did you seriously just trying to swing your big internet points dick?

        • +1


          How so?
          Was proving a point not all of my posts are from elsewhere

  • Loving the snark from OP

  • Why $17.50? and not like $20?

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