Apple Watch 2 in store availability?

Anyone know of any stores in Melbourne that actually have the Apple Watch 2 (aluminium 42mm) in stock? I've pretty much called every JB HI FI and Myer in Melbourne and none have any stock left. All the stores had no idea when they would be getting more stock.

It seems Apple seriously underestimated the popularity of these series 2 watches. When I first called up my local JB Hi Fi a day before release the guy told me "yeah there should be some tomorrow - should be no trouble getting one as I doubt there is going to be a long queue for them". The same store now tells me that they sold out in the first 10 mins. I guess they also didn't predict they would be this popular?

I wanted to use my Woolworths egift vouchers to purchase JB Hi Fi gift cards so I could get a further 5% discount + Amex points. However some say you can no longer do this? Can anyone confirm if this still works?


  • Why the heck are you posting this at 4am??

    Anyway have you tried calling a apple store? Probably your best bet.

    • I just checked store pick up availability, there is none of stores which have pick up option available.

    • Insomnia :(

      None of the Apple stores have them either. I was hoping to get it from JB so I could buy them using the Woolworths egift card.

      • Their priorities are usually

        1. Stock up all apple stores

        2. Stock 3rd parties

        So I'd be calling apple if I were you. Call the JB stores daily though. If they say they have them coming tomorrow ask if one can be reserved.

        Unfortunately they don't normally find out what colours etc they are getting in advance.

        If the store opens at 9, be there at 8:45am

  • don't apple do this on purpose all the time to generate more hype?

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