• expired

Groupon 20% off All Goods e.g. Eneloop 8 Pack $19.2, Stanley Rogers Cutlery Set from $63.2, Furi Knife Set from $39.2 + Post


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closed Comments

  • -2

    Will uberEats work under this promo code?

    • +5

      Why don't you try it yourself and let everyone else know?

    • I think not, because it is a service, not goods.

      • +2

        Just in case it did stack.
        Confirmed not working with UberEats as expected. "Goods"

  • Any bargains?

    • Panasonic Eneloop Eight-Pack $25.15 delivered. Good price?

      • +9

        Possibly, I wish EC would put some effort into his posts and add prices in rather than just fish for refferals.

      • Panasonic Eneloop Eight-Pack $25.15 delivered. Good price?

        Buy 2 family packs for $65.15 Delivered
        Cash rewards 5% = $3.45
        Total = $61.70 which is $30.85 each

        • +7

          Why not put prices in the description?

        • +4

          And now a moderator edits in prices, why not put some effort into your posts yourself EC. Soon this post will gain 25 votes and your start getting your refferal credit.

        • How did you get this? Gave me $79.15 without (cashback) as the 20% off is applied to 1 item only.

          Cheaper to buy at ebay http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Panasonic-Eneloop-Family-Pack-Cha…

        • +1


          Geez some people are demanding. I see lots of posts with just a generic % discount listed without any prices or items listed, eg.



          He's already provided some links to items which he thinks are cheap, which is more than those other posts. Did you crap on those posts too?

        • -5


          That was his failed attempt to try and stop getting this deal on the front page

        • +1


          You have to buy the 2 pack family deal (choose from the options)

          Panasonic Eneloop Rechargeable Batteries with Charger, Two Family Packs $69

        • +2

          @djlee: easternculture will get money from his post.

        • -3


          Please tell us now, how am i going to get money from this post if i haven't posted my referral link ?

        • @fruit:

          Well its up to the individual to decide if they want to use my link or choose a random one, isn't it?

        • +2

          @easternculture: How much have you made in Groupon affiliate sales this year?

        • +2

          @djlee: You aren't allowed to post a deal without referencing at least one bargain unless it is a sitewide deal. This deal isn't sitewide and I don't think that mentioning only brands are good enough. If you have a look at EC's posting history he only ever posts deals for stores from which he thinks he make some refferal credit from. The point of refferal links in deals is to reward the poster of a deal, not to be the reason to post deals. I posted that comment above to perusade not to click on EC's refferal.

        • @easternculture: no, it's my attempt to stop people from clicking on your refferal.

        • -2


          no, it's my attempt to stop people from clicking on your refferal.

          Well apparently its not working.

        • @easternculture: 'apparently'???? Who says it's not working?

        • -2


          Cause everyone knows your a troll. And people are still clicking my referral and disregarding your pointless comments

        • @fruit:

          So what? EC Is One of the members that post the most amount of stuff here. Most people just come in and look for bargains, If everyone was like this ozbargain wouldn't exist and if the post is not suitable to some you're welcome to skip or even downvote given you have a good reason to. I see nothing wrong with members trying to increase their income, As long as they are not ripping anyone off (which would be pretty hard to do here at OZB)

        • +2


          disregarding your pointless comments

          Currently got 12 +votes.
          Voting and disregarding are two different things.

        • +2

          @chowmanly: EC's post stats

          groupon.com.au 110 6.0%
          iherb.com 84 4.6%
          read.amazon.com 82 4.5%
          amaysim.com.au 72 3.9%
          amazon.co.uk 56 3.1%
          catchoftheday.com.au 53 2.9%

          Notice that every one of those stores has refferal links? Maybe he's just after refferal clicks? If OzBargainer was only interested in refferal clicks than OzBargain wouldn't exist.

        • -4


          Currently got 12 +votes.

          12 from 3773 = 0.3% of current online users lol

        • @easternculture: Probably more like 90% of the people who actually read this thread.

        • -3


          Probably more like 90% of the people who actually read this thread.

          Well 567 clicks on main deal not taking in consideration individual clicks on links in post. Lets say each individual link had 100 clicks

          Thats 567 + (8 X 100) = 1400 clicks

          So still 0.85% which is still less than 1% .

          Your still loosing mate and no where near 90%

          Its actually funny how you managed to convince yourself that 90% of people interested in this deal agree with you LOL

        • @easternculture:


          Let's say that 1/100 people actually rest the comments. 14 people read the comments, 12 of them voted.

          Most of the clicks probably come from guests which can't vote too.

        • -1


          mhhm. Keep convincing yourself with that logic

        • +1

          It's not compulsory to use the referral link
          I personally found the Stanley Rogers cutlery sets to be of good value and am considering purchasing one and if I do I wil use the referral because why not?

        • @chowmanly:

          Referral is only for new users anyway.

          I'd be amazed if there's that many new users of Groupon still

        • @chowmanly:

          I personally found the Stanley Rogers cutlery sets to be of good value

          I recently bought the Noah Cutlery Set for $110 Shipped and found it to be very nice. On groupon with the 20% off, works out to be $90 Delivered. And a further ~$4 cashrewards

          if I do I wil use the referral because why not

          Just remember to come back and click the cashrewards link after you sign up with a referral

        • Let's finish this conversation (about OP referrals) here and not berate people for posting deals. If you don't like our guidelines, then let the moderators know.

  • +6

    A lot of products will still be much more expensive even after the 20% off. Check Gearbest or Everbuying first. For example the Bluedio HT is ~$34 shipped on gb but $32.10 + $9.95 shipping on Groupon with 20% off.

  • Where do you put the promo code in?

    • +2

      The box called 'Promo Code'?

      • Thanks. Last time I had credits to cover a small purchase so instead of going to the payments page it got processed straight away without a page to put in the promo code

  • It looks like this is for a single item. So if you buy 2 x eneloop batteries the discount only applies to 1.

    • You have to buy the 2 pack family deal (choose from the options)

      Panasonic Eneloop Rechargeable Batteries with Charger, Two Family Packs $69

      • Not really logical. Spend an extra $16 to save 5. As it turns out I was after only "AA" as I already have excess "AAA". I'll wait for another day. :)

  • scanpan knife any good?

  • +3

    If anyone reads or collects National Geographic, this is a bargain: https://www.groupon.com.au/deals/national-geographic-society…

    • Alternatively, you can order directly via National Geographic website and receive a free fleece jacket, world map, and digital access to each new issue and the entire digital archive http://www.nationalgeographic-magazine.com/cart/update?produ…

      Tough choice, saving $10 or free stuffs ;-)

      Personally I would go with the free stuffs, especially for the free digital access to their archive.

  • Thanks OP, I missed out on the 15% off the other day so this is even better.

  • is this a good deal for eneloop battries 8 pack and 16 pack? and is there postage on top?

    • Yes on postage that why would be cheaper if you buy several. Too bad you can't combine postage on several items

  • How long is this promo running for?

    • Till 15mins from now

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