Better than ½ price Baileys ice cream tubs $3.75 @ Coles (save $4.50)
Available in:
Baileys Original Ice Cream 500mL
Baileys Chocolat Ice Cream 500mL
Better than ½ price Baileys ice cream tubs $3.75 @ Coles (save $4.50)
Available in:
Baileys Original Ice Cream 500mL
Baileys Chocolat Ice Cream 500mL
I don't think so, last time I checked, these were non-alcoholic, or barely, some have it at 0.5%. I doubt that they sell a consumable alcoholic freely in the freezer isle.
You need to heads to the mouthwash isle for that.
or cough medicine
The new Chocolat one has 0.9% alcohol in it. Still low but higher than I thought it'd be.
Years ago found some peppermint ones marked down at Coles for $0.17 and roughly 50% alcohol. Bought two and shared one with a mate. It was like burping toothpaste for hours after shotting it.
and get drunk on the cheap?
$187.50 for 1 standard drink…
Are you saying there's 1/50th of a standard drink in 500ml of ice cream?
Edit: Yes, yes you are.
Edit2: The article down below says it's 0.5% alcohol, that's 2.5ml per tub. That's ~1 standard drink per 4 tubs.
Is Baileys suitable for kids? (legitimate question)
why not ?
The ice creams contain alcohol but less than 0.5 per cent. A consumer would have to eat around 50 of the 500ml tubs to digest the equivalent of one standard drink.…
Pretty sure they sell it without checking ID…
Sure if you like feeding your kids a marketing tool for alcohol.
Some people buy it because they like the taste…
Well they ain't going to buy it if they don't like it.
It's a powerful tool since the under 8's are pretty much incapable of rational thought and Bailey's get's linked to family and sugar. McDonald's has already shown us that if they target children with by associating McDonald's with family and sugar the children have a high chance of becoming lifelong consumers of McDonald's products.
I like it for the smooth taste, the baileys flavouring is just an added bonus
You are right. Brainwashing is best when you start at a young age. My 3 year old already likes coffee because he sees mom drinking a cup or two every day. One day he tried a teaspoon of coffee and he likes it more than hot chocolate.
well looks like no TV as that is a marketing tool for sports betting ….. during kid time viewing…… while they eat the baileys ice cream.
Bought one today, my god, so tasty.
Ok, civic minded guy that I am, I just cracked mine (Luxe) to comment…yup, it's nice, very damn nice!
FWIW, all of the Bailey's varieties were the same price at our local, I presume nationwide.
$3.75 WAS half price just a few months back, and now it's supposedly better. I've noticed this trend on a few things in the last few weeks. Those bulla ice creams are another
twiggy sticks……..
Yeah I have noticed Coles and Woolworths have increased the regular prices of items that are regularly 50% off. Still makes the consumer think they are getting a great deal when really it's not as good as it used to be.
I reckon instore RRP is $7.5 and online is $8.25.Coles usually marks up online price,but same as instore when half priced.
Should have bought this instead of the $2 500ml tub of Apple crumble ice cream from Woolies.. bloody awful. I read comments from people saying they were good, but the ice cream is cheap and nasty - not creamy at all, and the apple flavour is sickly sweet. This Baileys ice cream is delicious.
Yeah, all of those woolies $2 tubs were sickly sweet, the nuts about choc one was OK but still way too sugary, but the caramel popcorn almost put me into a hyperglycaemic coma…and I'm not even the slightest bit diabetic!!! :/
Apple crumble ice cream from Woolies.. bloody awful.
Even my kids wouldn't finish their bowl…
need to stock up at this price ….. now to make my sone eats the veggies and make room in the freezer.
yucky stuff from woolies …… just bought their frozen cheese cake …. made with animal gelatine …. so not suitable for vegetarians (hindues if made with with beef) or other religious denominations ….. think their buyers would have specified plant gelatine so they could sell to a broader market ….. smart one woolies.
If it has cream in it, a pretty good chance it also has gelatine in as a stabiliser.
Eg mud cake, cream scones, older 'creamy' pasta sauce (they are getting better though), most low fat youghuts, cheese cake, even frozen danish slice.
And then there is cheese - most have rennet in them. Funnily, Woolworth value 'tasty' is vegetarian.
They kill the calves to get their mothers' milk, then kill the mother cows too when their production wanes below what younger cows can produce. Don't you think it a bit random to take issue with using the calves' rennet, or gelatin from the cows' carcasses, when you have no problem killing them for their milk in the first place?
@thevofa: I'm not vegetarian. I'm married to one. I have no major gripe with modern farming practices in principle as long as it isn't needlessly cruel. Life is a fight to reproduce and thus indirectly a fight to be top to be as close as you can to top of the food chain…
@walaj: Would you not agree that trading the very lives of animals for ice-cream is needlessly cruel, especially when you can get ice-cream that is made without animals' milk, or you can just omit it altogether?
Gotta agree! I read a post where someone was raving about the great quality caramel woolies ice cream and how awesome for $2.. So on that I gave it a go..
I wonder if he was a paid woolies spammer or something, who knows these days with these mega companies. That ice cream was so crap, I chucked it out after a few spoons.
Given that tastes are normally subjective and widely differing amongst humans, and given that there is a well studied phenomenon of individual humans getting used to 'higher quality' flavourings/ingredients and having their subjective reactions change, which do you think is more likely:
1, There's a megacorp conspiracy to spambot promote woollies icecream in OzBargain, or
2, You just have different tastes to that poster?
wow. you think baileys is delicious?! we all thought the baileys was 'bloody awful' and sickly sweet
I'm surprised as well. I bought the Chocolat and thought it was horrible. The ice cream also have a strange texture? It almost looks spongy when you scoop, instead of a clean, smooth scoop… The only way I managed to finish it was to half melt it and eat it with strawberries (I'm a bad person who eats strawberries with chocolate ganache)
Well it was quite nice and I liked the Baileys flavour, at least it tasted like ice cream rather then the crappy woolies one. Yes it was too sweet as well, but unfortunately I find all mass made ice creams too sweet.
Wow somebody enjoyed something that I didn't enjoy? That's just unbelievable? I cannot fathom how this can happen!
haha @jacross. good point :) but I was kinda commenting in relation to the quality and how its just jacked up with sugar and crappy ingredients
HA yeah I'm being a smart arse.
Personally, sugar and crappy ingredients are right in my wheel house though!
Thanks. I need to buy a 2nd freezer :)
Seriously no space left in my freezer. They are killing me with all this ice-cream deals.
me too ….. and to top it off woolies have chinese yum cha at 50% off in the freezer …… will have to buy fresh veggies not frozen so. more room in freezer.
wonder if all these ice cream deals are because it's school holidays ?
I'm guessing thy are pushing it during winter and spring. When it's summer there won't be much ice cream deals
Original vs chocolate: which flavour do users here prefer?
Original. Chocolate is overrated.
No ice cream worth buying from coles / woolworths apart from gelativo in chocolate / vanilla :(
You had me at Baileys.
You had me at Better Than ½ Price.
Thanks😊 got the orig, its pretty good. Not as good value/taste as connoisseur on special, but good for a change
Can we melt this down, and get drunk on the cheap?