This was posted 14 years 9 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Domino's $4 Traditional Large Pizzas 3-5PM - Pickup only [Expired]


Received this in my email.

Today only from 3-5pm, Large Traditional Pizzas can be picked up for $4 each.
Does not mention limit.
At selected stores and online only.

Check out all the latest Pizza Coupons & Deals

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closed Comments

  • Valid at Clayfield QLD

  • I also got the email, cheap pizzas if you feel like pizza today.

  • Haha - i just posted this up too. Beat me to it! Mod's you can delete my post :)

    • yeah, good on all you guys for posting it :)

  • +1

    lol 3 dupe post, thanks for the effort!!! n good deal but eating dominos at 3pm to 5pm is wrong ><

    • I'm sure it tastes just as "good" reheated for dinner lol

  • works for Strathfield, NSW

  • Yes! Time to pig out.

    • +2

      Destroyed 1.5 pizza. Best $8 spent!

      • +2

        Damn, 1.5 pizzas? c'mon no cheating….you had the thin and crispy base didn't you? :P
        deep pan ftw, more value for money lol

        • +1

          Nope. The normal crust ones.

      • Shall I explain how really really bad that is for you?

        But then again I have been there and done that, paid the price when I got to 130kgs, hard work getting it back done to 90kg.

        • Wooow.

        • Really? Congrats and all, but when I reached 100kg I found it really easy to drop back down to 80. Getting past 80 is the hard part.

          • @tomsco: I got to 140 and dropped down to 110 with ease. Deals such as these really dont help me get back down to 85!

  • bwahahahaha…
    time for Pizza, yay

  • can I place the order between 3 to 5 online, and then pick up at 6?

    • +1

      Try it and let us know.

  • +1

    I was about to post this too.

    Works for Liverpool in NSW.
    Does NOT work for Coogee or Maroubra

    • wrong. it is valid at both Coogee and Maroubra

  • I got this emial for Mount Waverley VIC store.

    It is the same coupon code.

    Although the email to me said valid for Mount Waverley store, looks like valid at most other places too.

    Good deal.

    • I think they are using the valid for "specific stores only" trick to prevent sharing?

  • Works at Woodville Park, SA

  • As usual it's not valid at the Carlton (VIC) store.

  • Not Valid for WA- Morley, Belmont, Alexander Heights, Applecross, Joondalup

  • Is it not valid or is it not working because its not 3-5pm yet?

    • I chose the pick up at 3:00pm option

  • Works at Tranmere, SA

  • Not valid for Nedlands, WA.

  • Works for Adelaide City store, SA

  • Just ordered successfully for Elizabeth St. store, Sydney. Hopefully they will honour it when I pick the pizza at 5:00 pm later.

  • -2

    Works at Gungahlin ACT.

    • Why are you voting negative? You haven't left a reason.

  • works at Pasadena SA

  • NOT VALID at Dickson, ACT (as per usual). (doesnt matter cries)

    • it is not 3pm yet. may be u need to book between 3-5pm

      • nope….pick up time needs to be between 3+5….order anytime I think

      • i think you could be right. I pressed pick up ASAP. ahhhh

        EDIT: just tested it with pickup 3:15, still didnt work :(

    • They sound like a bunch of Dicksons.

  • does not work in bentleigh and noble park vic, works in mt waverley just fine

  • Not valid at Robina.

  • Valid ST. Albans, Vic

  • Not valid at Karawara, WA

  • I doubt it's valid anywhere in WA due to the public holiday!

    Thanks for posting though, great bargain.

    • I think there are surcharges on public holidays - extra 10%.

  • Valid Auburn, NSW Store

    EDIT: got a call back saying cannot honour $4 pizza

    • Technically if you paid for it (using CC) then they have to honour it… though I doubt it's worth arguing with them over a pizza.

  • Bayswater North, VIC - Valid.

  • Hoppers Crossing, Vic

  • Valid labradoor dominoes qld

  • Works in Carindale - 4152 - Brisbane.

  • I just tested this for the Forest Lake store in QLD. It works. looks like Pizza for dinner tonight.

    Also just as an FYI I tried to request pick up after 5pm and I got "this coupon is not valid at this time". I then just selected 5pm and for all I care it can sit at my store for 10 - 15 mins until I am ready to get it, they keep it warm for you :)

    • I just did this, ordered it around 4:40pm, then picked it up around 5:15pm, no issues, not too bad pizza either for me, I always remove vegis from the vegi pizza and add Chicken and Hot peppers, loving it.

  • Yeah not valid in Victoria Park, WA. I put 4pm, still nothing. Ho well.

  • Valid as usual at Westridge QLD. Any code that's valid seems to work at this store, which is great. It's also one of the busiest pizza stores I've ever seen, with lines out the door no matter what day I go

  • Valid at Glebe NSW just picked mine up
    (also should work at Marrickville but didnt place an order, only tested the code/coupon)

  • Valid at MASCOT NSW :) Thanks!!! my dinner is organised for tonight :)

  • Maribyrnong (near Highpoint) VIC - Valid. off to collect my pizzas :)

  • +15

    Ordered 5 pizzas for family + mates, the guy at the Maribyrnong store wouldn't give me all of them for $4 each, made me pay full price for 3 of them. Had a little argument and he still wouldn't give it to me. I threw my drink at him and walked out. -_-"

    • You are my hero.

    • +1

      I'm gonna do the same thing tomorrow. Let's all go and throw our drinks at Maribyrnong domino employees.

    • HAHA epic

      • +1

        Some people are too passionate about their jobs, you just work there, its not like selling a cheaper pizza is going to give you a bonus pay… Bloody fool!

    • Bwahahahahaha. Awesome work mate. Had they already been cooked?

      This is a reason I pay credit card with these guys when I think it's to good to be true. That way when I goto pick them up and they try to pull a stunt like that I'll say, well you've already taken my money…. Although not everyone has a credit ard :p

    • +1

      You threw your drink at a Domino's worker? That "guy" is probably working there for $10 per hour and really doesn't appreciate having things thrown at him. A little more maturity would go a long way. I am amazed your post got +13.

      • couldn't agree more with u there. positive votes for that kind of behaviour? I hope u guys are joking..

  • ordered online, new supreme delete capsicum , add feta , much better than expected paid $4 cash

  • $18 for a traditional and two big taste pizzas. Thank you!

  • +1

    all good at Hurlstone Park nsw, pretty crappy pizza i must say but hey its 4 bux, bout all its worth…

  • +1

    Was valid at Heidelberg VIC. But when I got them home, the "double bacon cheeseburger" was pretty much all white with the alfredo sauce. More like "Half Bacon Sauceburger"…

  • +2

    I got an email from Domino's about this offer, saying it was available at my store. I tried to order online at 4:30, it wouldn't accept it. I called the store, they wouldn't accept it. That's the last time I try to buy pizza from Domino's.

    • +3

      you should complaint to their hq.

    • +6

      Why on earth are people negging you? He got an email saying it was for HIS STORE!

  • +2

    Cheap, crappy pizzas. Excellent.

  • +3

    Hey guys,

    Just picked mine up from Liverpool (NSW) at 5:10 and they didn't seem to mind at all.

    The guy serving me also told me it will be on every Monday for the next few weeks, he didn't say how many weeks but it is definitely on next Monday. So it isn't just today, apparently..

    • +4

      He has a crush on you.

      • every Monday ;)

  • Removed my comment about it being expired, it already is :)

    • +1

      The guy serving me told me it would be on next Monday too.

  • +1

    OMG so nice! loveee the pizza

  • got my supreme with roast chicken instead of capsicum,anchovies instead pineapple,WIN !

  • +3

    Ahh.. another reason to move out of WA

    • +2

      How many do you need? Get a cheap tiger flight out NOW!

  • pretty much stuffed if you have a job and work during the day.

    • +3

      Maybe you need to quit your job so you can get $4 pizzas. Or just tell your boss you're shouting the office pizzas, in return for getting all future Monday arvos off.

      • sounds like a plan, that way I cna get my $4 chicken & anchovie supreme every monday

  • +1

    If your pizzas ever get cold, just fry them in a pan, both sides, with no oil or lil oil. Can you say CRUNCH!?

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