How to block deals/posts from another user?

I see in my settings that there is an area where I can block users.

I can also block commentators.

I dont know how to block users, so can someone please show me how?

Mod: Removed rant against user


  • See instructions here.

    You can block deals from a user (or a store) by going to one of their deals and hitting the hide link.

    Same for commenters, find a comment for a specific user and hit the hide link.

    • -3


      Hardly a rant.

      Way too many poor quality "free" game links all made by the same user.

      IMHO its SPAM and I know I am not the only one who thinks that way.

      Anyway the good news is I'll never have to see them again. THANK YOU

  • geee why the hate? i thought we are one big family

    • -1

      The problem with family is you can't choose them.

      At least here we can hide the SPAM and numbskulls.

      34% of all IndieGala deals are made by one user, and nearly all of them are crap. Thankfully never have to see anything from that user again.

  • +3

    this isn't a bad idea at all.

    i do admit i see some posts in the forums i feel the the OP's that are posting them are straight up trolls and nothing else.

    i come to this site to check for deals and specials, and if possible to offer assistance. not to come and ask a bunch of random strangers questions about my personal life some of the posts are like something out of a shitty soap opera.

    probably get marked down for having a say but hey.

  • -3

    I'd enjoy being able to block a certain troll on this site, bet that troll comments on this!

  • You forgot to mention the free ebook posts aswell

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