Samsung Gear S3 Question about The Sim

I was wanting to know if anyone had any idea about the capabilities of this watch in regards to what it can do without the phone.

I noticed that there is a sim slot within the watch. Does this mean I am able to leave my phone at home and go for a run or even a drive interstate. But still be able to receive phone calls and text messages?

Would I be able to download something like, Uber and call an uber to my location if there is no WIFI around?
I was not able to get any of these details covered via the Samsung support as they took 15minutes to reply to each message.


  • No australian telco has support for the eSIM which is used by the Gear S3 isn't it?

    • That's what I was thinking.

      Not too sure…

  • Just an update.

    With the watch now being available to pre-order. I have found out they removed the sim and it will not be in any Australian variant of the watch.

    Does anyone know if I was to purchase one of the watches from somewhere else if the sim would work? Or do our carries still not have any support and will not have any support for the sim?

    • +1

      AT&T's page mentions LTE supported bands 2 and 5, which means 1900MHz and 850MHz respectively. (…)->Details
      The only telco that has 850MHz spectrum in Australia is Vodafone, though i am not sure in which areas they have rolled out LTE on 850MHz. And none of the telcos here operate in Band 2 (1900MHz). I have done this bit of homework as i was even thinking of buying it from US just to have that LTE functionality but have given up as the chances are grim that it will work here. P.s. the local warranty thing…

      • Cheers, yeah that's pretty much the same as me (minus the whole homework thing)

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