Anyone been to a bigw store and is recore on xbox one in store as says on other sites its not out yet?
There current price ends 14th sept so does this mean end of business 14th or after midnight?
Recore bigw
bwatt72 on 13/09/2016 - 13:10
Related Stores
When they say its $44 from 8th to 14th does this mean it still be $44 on weds 14th or does that end tonight at midnight 13th?
That is an excellent question. I've often wondered the same thing about finishing dates for sales. BW would be the best ones to ask.
Not sure you should rush out there and get this right away. It's likely to end up in the bargain bins and pre-owned sections soon.
Just another typical 2016 release; no pre-release review copies sent out. You know what that means! There are many more games you can get for sub-$50 that you'll get more enjoyment out of.
Ok thought as cheap why not but your right will go cheaper
I haven't been in their store recently but their catalogue has it priced at $44 which suggests it's in stock. It should be available in-store now, I don't see any reason why they'd hold it back to the 14th when the official release date has passed.
If you wanted to be 100% sure before heading to your local store you can always give them a call to confirm they have it stocked.
Courtesy of Press Start's bargain guide for ReCore.