Recommendation for a Gaming Laptop

Hi guys, I am looking for a mid-range gaming laptop around the $1500 price range but I have not been following the gaming laptop market for a while now.

What are the current good deals for a laptop at that price? I am hoping to get one in the coming 2 weeks as my current gaming laptop of 5 years is slowly breaking apart.


  • We build laptops ourselves on this website

    • +1

      Gaming desktops you mean but hard on laptops because of the tiny parts and not all are available for general public to buy.

      Have you built one yourself?

  • +1…

    $1299 from MSY

    It's the cheapest laptop equipped with the 960M midrange chip.

    Also look up Metabox / Clevo, these are built to order custom laptops.

    • Recommend Metabox as well, lots of custom options and they have the occasional promotion on their website

    • The $1299 with a GTX960 from MSY seems like a decent deal.

      Would it be possible to gun for a GTX970 from Metabox or another site with just $1500? I don't care about the other specs, just want a good GPU.

      If not I will just grab the 960M from MSY.

  • Here's another option:…

    20% off code makes this $1360 delivered.

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