Cheapest HTC Vive Currently?

Hi all,

I'm currently hunting around for a HTC Vive for some of that sweet VR action. I was reading a thread on the internet that was saying the Australian Microsoft Store had the Vive for around $1000 AUD (cheaper than the official website by ~$350 AUD).

Unfortunately it's now out of stock on the Microsoft Store and my hunting has left me empty handed.

What stores are selling the Vive for the best price?

Thanks all!


  • +2

    I don't think the Australian Microsoft Store ever sold the Vive at $1000AUD (tbh, I don't think they've ever sold a single Vive yet, AFAIK it's been "Coming Soon" ever since it listed).

    A few months ago, there was a very short period of time where the website listed that price (but said coming soon and you couldn't order it) but the price was then taken down. Whenever I asked the staff in stores, they would also say it'd cost around $1.5k (which is the same as buying from HTC once you include GST+customs, so $1000 AUD was probably a pricing error with someone who forgot to convert from USD.

    I personally gave up and bought an Oculus Rift instead. They're around $895 AUD including shipping at Amazon. Even though there are no touch controllers yet, they should be out within a few months and as long as they're not $600, your total should still come up cheaper than the $1500+ Vive (remember, GST + customs is expensive!).

    If you wait after the Oculus Touch and PSVR launches, it's possible that competition may cause the Vive's price to drop but that's just speculation.

  • +1

    I'm interested too in a vive (and only the vive since I don't like the path of exclusivity that the oculus is going down) and haven't seen the MS store in stock yet although I have set up a visual alert for that page.

    Really wish there were more places to buy this from. There are also talks of a vive 2 which may forego the need for so many wires.

    • +1

      I don't like Oculus's exclusivity route either, so I've been simply been buying most things for the Rift on Steam. I do wish the Vive could drop below our $1000 AUD GST threshold though.

      • Yeah, definitely the Facebook Oculus.

        I forgot about the import and taxes too >_< That sucks a lot of fun out of it

  • +1

    Only way is if you know someone that's going to the US and buying whilst they're there. Otherwise wait until Microsoft store starts to sell locally and see if they have 'fixed' their price error.

  • I hope the microsoft AU store gets it soon. No one seems to know when that is though.

    • …and maybe then people will stop selling second hand for 1,300 AUD, maybe more in the range of 1,000 -> 1,100 for a almost new unit.

      • I agree, someone would have to be crazy to buy second hand at that price, when they can be bought new for $100 more.

  • I too was hoping Microsoft would had them in stock by now. On Whirlpool forums, a person who chat with customer support told him that they won't have them until December.

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