There is currently a $20 aud price drop on the Origin's Edition, those who currently own the standard version can upgrade for only $10.
[PC] Overwatch Origins Edition Upgrade $10 (Was $20) @

Baebs on 10/09/2016 - 11:49 (585 clicks)
Last edited 10/09/2016 - 14:37 by 1 other user
Last edited 10/09/2016 - 14:37 by 1 other user
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If I remember correctly, the free weekend trial was for the Origin's edition or.. maybe perhaps that was only for Xbox.
I guess for those with the standard edition, it's a question of if 4 origin exclusive skins and a few other digital goodies is worth $10
So, is it?
bastion and tracer skins are pretty cool tbh
when does this deal end?
Updating deal, it ends September 15th in the US, 16th here.
can you buy it if you bought the taiwan edition?
I bought it. How can I tell if it has applied?
? The upgrade only gives you new skins so you can check in-game
Can we upgrade the free weekend trial? ;)