4K Blu-Ray Movie Pricing

Hi all,

I have a Sony UHD (9300D)TV and after the PlayStation debacle yesterday, I will be buying a XboneS so I can play some 4K movies.
However I seem to run into some pretty high prices around these blu-rays.
Some newer titles are running around the $60 mark.

I've looked on ebay and mightyape online and also JBHiFi as well and the average price I am finding is around $45.
I thought that they would've learnt with the pricing on 3D blu-rays as they were around these prices and nobody bought them and now 3D in the home is almost dead.

What's the point in buying a 4K TV if everything is so overpriced, that nobody will buy the things that go with them.
And yes, I know Netflix and YouTube have some 4K content, but it's a pretty small amount and next to no movies.

Thanks for your time ^_^


  • Its simple, new technology. Its the price you pay as an early adaptor. I'm sure your tv wasn't cheap either. These were the same prices when Blu ray first launched so give it some time for prices to come down.

  • What's the point in buying a 4K TV if everything is so overpriced,

    They make more money by selling to wealthier or people less concerned about spending money on total financial losses like movies.

  • Physical discs are expensive and dying. I don't think it will be as much a debacle as people are making out. UHD Blurays will be niche at best, while streaming will grow.

    Sony just launched it's ULTRA 4K streaming service in the US. When it comes to Australia, it will probably be launched on the PS4 Pro and Sony's 15/16 TVs.

    • +4

      When it comes to Australia 3/4 of the population will not have enough internet speed. In fact neither does much of the USA for that matter.

      Physical disks are not going away anytime soon.

      Once physical disks do die streaming likely switch to a regime where you pay per view which will be shit.

      Pirates will probably still get the best deal of highest quality, zero restrictions and free.

      • Hahaha, that's probably true!

        I thought the USA generally had a minimum of a 3MB/s down line and that's generally our highest down. From there, they only have options to go faster and not slower, at least that's what one person over there said to me.

        Yeah I don't think physical discs are going away anytime soon either until we all can stream 2160p60 movies and stuff with no lag or stuttering or buffer issues….

    • +2

      Streaming won't be good enough for decades in Australia thanks to Malcolm Turnbull (profanity) up the NBN. You can't stream 4K on 12Mbit.

      • I only have 1MB/s down line and sometimes that's not consistent….try that….

        I thought the NBN was suppose to network all of Australia and not actually improve performance at all, per se….?

      • True but I can on my 100Mbit NBN ¯_(ツ)_/¯

        • +1

          Lucky for you you're in the 17% whose houses will be livable over the next few decades.

  • I did manage to just get The Revenant & Kingsmen for $22 & $24 each from Mighty Ape.
    So it seems like I just have to keep my eyes open for specials.
    As for streaming in 4K, well, I do have nbn 100down and it is awesome, however there's bugger all around and when other companies finally stream more content in Australia, we all know what will happen then.
    More price gouging.

    Thanks everyone for your comments too

    • +1

      lucky bugger with 100down, gimme!

      • Well, it averages about 94, but who am I to complain about that ^-^

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