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First time post.. came across this which is an amazing Price for a new kindle
Moved to Forum: Original Link
First time post.. came across this which is an amazing Price for a new kindle
Paperwhite 3 for $94.23 is pretty good too…
Thanks for the link
Poor Resolution
Outdated Neonode Infrared Touch
NO SD Card
PDF Experience is Lackluster
Feels Sluggish"
Ill pass this one
Feels Sluggish
How fast do you read ?
1300wpm for me… >_>;
But yeah, sluggishness is for changing to the next page/navigating around. The Kobo I had was absolute shite, it'd take forever to change pages. The Kindle Keyboard I have at the moment is decent for page turns, but there is some sluggishness when opening menus.
I've had a play with a coworker's Paperwhite, and if it weren't for the fact my Keyboard's 3G can still be used to browse the net, I'd probably change over. I probably will once the inbuilt beta browser stops displaying websites properly (it's already happening).
None of these are really serious cons on a e-reader and the resolution is fine for a black and white eink display, if you want those other things buy a tablet.
I just wondering how many book do u read per day??? With 2GB, it can store around 4000 books, and what do u want about resolution? Its still better than the real book.
Tough crowd!
It also doesnt have a backlight so will not do the job
You replied to the wrong comment. :P Your reply ended up under one about a Paperwhite 3, which is the current Paperwhite - and has excellent resolution (for those wanting to read in very big fonts) as well as inbuilt light.
all gone
Out of stock
Phantom item. Can't add to cart without it being automatically removed.
Thanks for posting OP, managed to grab one
lets hope it arrives and not just a pricing error
I managed to get two (one for my partner).. let's hope so
What? Did they have 1 in stock?
Sold Out :(
pricing error for sure, like the laptop that was $32 as well.
What laptop lol?
Meh, price error. Just like the $4 64gb micro sd cards.
Pricing error??? This is Kogan we are talking about here… More like "bait and switch"…
When Kogan emailed me announcing takeover of Dick Smith, I unsubscribed. I just had a look at their "Hot Deals" and saw no reason to regret.
Hot Deals is just everything they sell presented in random order!
As I suspected.
Same here..Unsubbed ASAP. I'm happy that I haven't gotten any accidental spam from them too.
Oh I have been waiting for a kindle deal all year and am too slow.
Has anyone got the white pw3 dispatched yet? It's supposed to be dispatched today.
Not yet, mine just says expected dispatch date is today.
price increased to 2xx now. I doubt if they would honour the deal but fingers crossed they'll have it shipped cob today.
..Still waiting, not looking promising.
Pricing error email has arrived! Dodgy, cant expect more from Kogan, like everything else in the past, just another email harvesting exercise!
Grrr. At least they gave us a gift card, so a pretty expensive email harvesting exercise.
Hope the code does not expire in a month or something.
Yup.. got my cancellation today.. sorry peeps no deal here..…
An interesting discussion about this generation.