Sony PlayStation 4 Pro & Slim?

It just got unveiled a few hours ago by Sony, what are your thoughts?

"Sony is unveiling a slimmer, lighter, cheaper version of its PlayStation 4, as well as a Pro device targeted at hardcore gamers that features high-resolution images and a 1-terabyte hard drive.

The Japanese electronics company revealed the long-rumored updates to its video game console at an event in New York's Times Square Wednesday. It coincided with Apple's annual product event in San Francisco that produced updates to the iPhone and the Apple Watch.

The slimmer, more energy-efficient PS4 effectively replaces the existing model. It will cost $300, down from $350 for the previous version, and go on sale later this month in most markets.

Sony says more than 40 million units of the PlayStation 4 have sold to date"

"While there is no official Australian price at this moment, the $US350/$US400 price tag points to the console retailing somewhere close to $600 in the Australian market.

It will offer 4K gaming, displaying hyper-realistic graphics and immersive visuals — as long as it is hooked up to a HDR, or high dynamic range TV. At the same time, Sony executives stressed that gamers will not need a HDR or 4K TV to be able to play games on the console."


  • You have to look at the price and what you want. The Pro won't do 4K Native gaming, so its still not worth the extra pricing. If you are going from a PS3, then the new Slim will be worth the jump, but if you already own a PS4, then there is no real benefit.

    Also, both the new models don't support UHD Blu-ray, which the Xbox 1 S does.

    • -1

      They showed actual 4K game footage from games like Spider-Man and Deus Ex: Mankind Divided at the launch. Some titles will have it, some won't reach true 4K. The GPU is more than twice as fast as the original PS4 so graphics will be a lot better for most titles.

      As far as no UHD blu-ray, I can see that being an issue for some but not all. 4K streaming (Netflix) interests me. Buying discs does not.

      • +2

        see infinite comments below. Not true 4K gaming. Just upscale from 1440p. If a $800 GTX1070 can't run 4K @60fps, then I can't see how a $600 console would even come close.

        • There's quality mode that scales up to whatever resolution is possible depending on performance/material. This mode:

          "dynamically scales the resolution depending on how the game is performing. Wyse says you can expect resolutions that are up to 90 percent close to 4K in that mode".


          Elder Scrolls Online is an example of a game in that article that runs in 4K. Of course, most games with a lot of action and detail aren't going to reach 4K but I'd say games like FIFA might.

        • It's not even 1440p up-scaled, it's 1080p up-scaled. 1080p up-scaled to 4K on a screen anything bigger than 40-inches looks horrible. I don't know why you'd even bother doing it. Just keep it at 1080p and have better fps to go with it, so it doesn't look like complete junk.

        • @infinite:

          I don't know what your are basing your comments on. It's pretty clear. It's not upscaling from 1080p, that is exactly what your 4K TV does with 1080p PS4 games now. There's resolution mode when you can lock in a resolution above 1080p, say 1440p. That's real 1440p, not upscaled. And there's quality mode that is variable resolution up to 4K.

        • @dazweeja: It says in the article that it's running at native 4K on the PC, not the PS4. The simply up-scaled it to 4K at 24fps on the PS4 Pro.

        • @infinite:

          Let's take the 1440p example. It's 1.7x the pixels more than 1080p. The GPU in the PS4 Pro is 2.3x more powerful than the original PS4. The PS4 Pro has a "resolution" mode that allows you to set the native/rendering resolution. The PS4 Pro is easily powerful enough to render at 1440p. All of that is obvious, yes?

          Here's the guys from The Witness. I don't know how much clearer they could be:

          "we will render at 1440p or possibly higher, all while keeping a consistent 60 frames per second. This image will then be upscaled to 4k, and we will draw text, menus, and other UI at native 4k resolution… We might be able to achieve resolutions higher than 1440p based on various engineering tradeoffs"


          A game like Elder Scrolls Online which has pretty poor graphics can natively run at 4K on the PS4 Pro as they've already announced.

          There's no claims of magic or doing the impossible. The PS4 Pro will be able to run games between 1440p and 4K depending on the detail and the developer has a choice between locking that resolution or letting it vary with performance.

        • @dazweeja: Yep, there's no debate that gaming on the PS4 wont be at native 4K for any major release or non-indie game. We all know that already.

      • +1

        Nobody's going to be making native 4K games for this console, even if it could handle it (which it absolutely cannot). It would be suicide to fragment the PS4 user base.

        • Every major game developer has announced plans or shown demos of games with improved graphics for the PS4 Pro. The user base is not fragmented, every game works on both, your just get higher resolution or improved graphics if your console supports it. If the content of a game is able to be delivered at 4K with the Pro, that's what will happen. It's clear that that's not going to happen with games that push high-end PC graphics cards now - that would be impossible - but games that don't have a lot of polygons could do it.

        • +1


          "native 4K" being the important distinction

        • -1


          "native 4K" is true for some games but obviously won't be for most, as I have already explained.


  • Merged from Sony just dropped a bomb - "PS4 Pro" wont be 4K video OR gaming - RRP of 400+ Pounds

    So in case you didn't hear the shocking news last night, or see any of the console gaming sites that went into complete meltdown today, Sony dropped a complete bomb on it's consumers by announcing at their own press event overnight, that the up-coming PS4 Pro wont play 4K Blu Ray, wont play native 4K video from the machine & wont be 4K gaming either. The best they can do due to hardware limitations is up-scaling 1080p HD video content to 4K and games will be locked at 1080p with the option to "unlock the frame-rate so in some cases, it might even soar past 45 frames per second"……… which wouldn't be so painful to hear if it wasn't said like it was something to boast about, by an actual Sony dev at their presser today ( Games will have to option of being up-scaled to 4K from 1080p "with the assistance of in-built software support". They confirmed the only thing in native 4K the console will be able to display, would be a 4K quality internet stream, but even that would "get it's quality lowered somewhat".

    Sony has also been hammered in social media and forced to take down advertisements that were clearly considered deceptive advertising ( and forced to apologise. In the post presser media conference, they also had to apologise for starting the event with a promotion of the console as being 4K, when in actual fact only the TV they were plugging had the ability to do anything in native 4K ( They also confirmed they didn't have a single game or publisher who was willing to commit to making even a small indie-game that could be run in native 4K, due to the hardware Sony have put in the console. Sony also confirmed via it's Twitter that "Multiplayer games will run at the same framerate across PS4 Pro and standard PS4. Sony does not want to give advantage to Pro users." …. which seems like a somewhat unusual decision to make, as that effectively gives no reason to buy the new console at all considering everything else now confirmed about it?

    So TL/DR, the new PS4 comes with a slight upgrade to it's video card & CPU, same amount of RAM, the ability to add HDR support for TV's with the function and will upscale everything from 1080p / 30fps, with no promise of what quality or stability of games will be if you chose to push past that point. There's NO 4K blu-ray player, no native 4K anything except streamed 4K video, which will have quality "lowered somewhat".

    Rubbing salt in the wounds to make matters even worse, at the conclusion of the post-event press conference, Microsoft launched a new advertising campaign for their new coming-consoles showing all the extra things it does (including an actual Sony 4K Blu Ray Player no less) & does better…. for a $100 less. Ouch !

    • +3

      yeah Sony just did a massive fail. If you going to tout 4K gaming, then you better be prepared for the PC master race to put it to the test, since they are dropping thousand more to get Native 4K.

      • +4

        LOL, for christ's sake, even the new Xbone does native 4K video & blu-ray for $100 less……………

    • What's the source on that? That the console can't do 4K gaming.
      I've only read the contrary.

      As for the 4k Blu Ray, you really think they should force a non-gaming feature on us?
      That would easily raise the price.
      It's a gaming console, it doesn't need 4k Blu Ray playback.

      To suggest the Xbox One S is better than the PS4 Pro is utterly ridiculous. None of the "features" mentioned in the Tweet are unique.

      • Especially the suggestion that streamed 4K video will have quality the "lowered somewhat". Nvidia Shield, Fetch Mighty, Roku 4, Fire TV, all support 4K streaming. This is more powerful than all of them.

      • +1

        The source is that PS4 is roughly 1.8Tflops while PS4Pro is roughly 4Tflops. 4K is 4x pixels of 1080p (which PS4 can't do 100% of the time). 1.8 x 4 = 7.2. So PS4Pro is about halfway to 4K rendering in games.

        Upscaling to 4K output resolution though? You betcha.

        "As for the 4k Blu Ray, you really think they should force a non-gaming feature on us?" <- Xbone is same price or cheaper (AUD$399) and includes a RRP$500+ 4K bluray player.

        Bone scorpio is rumoured to be 6Tflops+, so it won't have native 4K render either, but it'll be better than Pro. Xbox lineup is currently 'better' than PS4 :\

  • I have a 4k samsung TV….with an xbox one S.. wont run 4K. awesome. no idea why maybe HDMI ports ant 4k so bull.

  • +2

    People who are expecting native 4K gaming will have to be realistic here. Pro's GPU is 2.3x better than the original PS4's. But to reach 4K, it is 4 times the resolution of 1080p.

    So 2x wont give you 4x. If you can see where im going from a simplified logical standpoint.

  • They look great, the redesigned model has a lower RRP which means it will most likely be sold for lower prices than the PS4 has ever been.
    I'm glad the Pro is purely optional for both developers and users, and it's not that expensive either.

  • +2

    Got an email from EB to pre-order. Standard 500GB slim one is $439 + 1 game, 1TB Pro is $559 with no games. Seems pretty steep to me.

    • PS4 bundles have been $399-499 for a while now, $439 is crazy.

  • +1

    Man what an ugly beast & weighing 500g more than the normal PS4

    • I think it looks better than the current model. I think I'm gonna sell my Star Wars LE console and buy a Pro in November.

      • I think gathering by online talk the New PS4's will be dropped in price soon enough

    • Why is it's weight a significant factor? It's not like you're going to be moving it around a lot.

  • what Console is the BEST for driving sims & 1st Person Shooter? (I really care about driving sims).

    • It depends on whether you consider Forza a sim, most people who are into real sims such as Asseto Corsa and Project Cars do not consider Forza a sim but rather a hybrid of sim and arcade (simcade) Xbox has Forza exclusive and PS have Driveclub both of which I consider simcade. PS is of course getting Gran Turismo Sport and GT7 later.

      If you really care about your sim racing then there is also a very good Oz only community at Rooz that only caters for PS4 and PC sim racing.

      FPS? Halo is on Xbox. KillZone on PS. Both have the others such as CoD and Destiny, both of these are superior on PS4 due to extra content deals and first to receive expansions.

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