Need your help for a quick poll please.
Could not make up my mind.
Want an Xbox one for young boy.
4k not important. Already have blue ray DVD at home.
No pro shooting games allowed.
Which one suits better? Thanks.
Need your help for a quick poll please.
Could not make up my mind.
Want an Xbox one for young boy.
4k not important. Already have blue ray DVD at home.
No pro shooting games allowed.
Which one suits better? Thanks.
500gb version is fine! Paying a premium for the larger HDD/slightly faster HDD - Young bloke isnt gonna care about the fancy controller either.
If its just for your young fella, the 500gb is fine! Spend the residual cash on a couple rad games for him (and yourself!)
a couple rad games
Who doesn't like rad games, right?
rad games are essential!
If you find that the 500gb is not enough you can always get an external hard drive later on EG this one for $200 for 4TB + no external power source, with $10 change left over!. (You however do not get the elite controller though).
Xbox Elite is pointless, its not a full SSD. It's a hybrid. The head of Xbox has said himself you don't need to upgrade to an elite, the difference in performance is minimal.
However, if you son is interest in an Elite controller, than the Elite bundle makes sense as, the Elite controller ranges from 150-200, would be almost the same price if you bought a 26x+ Elite controller, the only difference being the Elite bundle will give you 1TB while the 26x+ Elite controller would give you a spare regular controller but 500GB.
Personally I would recommend you buy an Xbox One S bundle with the newer games, it's much better looking, newer hardware and you'd get new games with it.
To be fair, if you bought elite controller separately, you would have two controllers which IS useful
No pro shooting games allowed.
That should be a mandatory DOCS report…every kid should have the right to blast the shit outta aliens/monsters/zombies!
Have you heard of the Triple-P parenting program…the effectiveness is in the P's…pew-pew-pew! ;)
Upvoted for Pew-pew-pew, disagree with underlying argument
There is no underlying argument, it's called humour…
But those games are kinda in uncanny valley territory now, squatting behind a door for 10 minutes till someone comes through so you can knife em I'm the kidneys for a instant kill can't be healthy for children
It's definitely not GoldenEye