• expired

Flic Smart Button - 20% off - USD $27.20 + $5 Shipping (~AU $43.94 Total)


Flic is running a back to school 20% off promotion at the moment. Usual price is $USD34.
4 pack - USD 79.20 + 10 shipping (thanks odrocs1987)

Comes in black, green, blue and white.

This is a smart button where you can program triggers to a single press, long press and double click.
e.g. Single press to turn on LIFX smart bulbs to a certain colour, double press to launch spotify playlist, etc.

Not sure when promotion ends.

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closed Comments

  • +5

    Wow that's an expensive button.

    Nice idea though.

  • -5

    At that price no way. A cheap smartphone could do all this little button does + a LOT more

    • +3

      Ah yes. But then, is a phone as satisfying as a button?

    • +1

      if you want to mount a cheap ugly smartphone on your wall and run a cable to it, sure..

    • +1

      Just run everything from a PC command line terminal instead.

      • Luxury. In my day we toggled switches to input data.

        • LUXURY! in my day we had to travel three miles barefoot uphill across broken glass, hook the horse to the sluice gate, opoent the sluice gate, travel 3 more miles against the stream and ONLY THEN could we flick the switch!

    • A smartphone for around AUD$40? You're dreaming.

      • I saw one for $9 at Coles on clearance last week.

        • How smart can a $9 phone be? Geez at that price they are becoming disposable now :)

      • you can buy a Telstra Tempo prepaid android phone for $29 every day of the week (and probably others)

        • The Tempo doesn't support Bluetooth 4.0 LE. The Buzz that's on sale at the moment for $49 does, though.

  • +1

    ive been sniffing around smart buttons for home for a while. This, BTTN, and my new preferred option Logitech Pop. I think this had poor reviews because of its reliance on your smartphone and (I think this is correct) the need for the app to be running for it to operate properly.

    If anyone on here has a flic can they give a little summary of its usefulness?

    Logitech Pop looks to have everything I want except an AU release date.

    • +6

      I bought a pack of 4 a few months ago.
      Yes they are expensive and fiddly to set up but worth it. Each button can have 3 functions.
      I have 8 Lifx bulbs and a Sonos in my apartment. One Flic is at my front door and when I press it all the lights come on and music plays. When I double click it everything turns off on my way out. Delay is anywhere from instant to 2 seconds. Another button by the bed and by the couch has different light settings. Fourth flic is on my car's steering wheel, it talks with phone, play/pause, next track, navigate home (one click opens google maps and starts navigating). BTW your phone CAN be connected to car's bluetooth and flic at the same time.

      One problem is that they are completely reliant on your phone (no windows or mac app). When you come home there's a delay while your phone acquires wifi and bluetooth connections. My solution was to set up my old galaxy S3 as a 'server' of sorts. It's always on and just has flic running. That way the buttons still work if my main phone runs out of battery or drops out for some reason.

      • +1

        Would be cheaper to buy a Raspberry Pi 3 and run Android on it via (https://git.embedded.rwth-aachen.de/rtandroid/downloads/rasp…)… being that it has bluetooth built in, could act as a headless "server" with only the power cable needed.

        • +2

          It'd be even cheaper with a prepaid phone like the Telstra Buzz that's going for $59 now. It has Bluetooth LE so the Flic should work. You'll also get a touchscreen built-in, a battery backup, and no fiddling necessary.

          (that said, his S3 was effectively free!)

        • +1

          There's software to run natively in Raspbian (or Ubuntu) although I think it's still in beta. I had it running on a RPi2 with dongle (before the 3 was out) and it was a bit of a hassle to setup, but was working. That was a while ago - I just use my phone now because of the specific uses I have, so haven't kept up with development. Details at https://github.com/50ButtonsEach/fliclib-linux-dist (originally via the Flic ideas/votes system)
          I think I remember a comment somewhere about it being available for Mac, but I could be making that up.

      • Interesting…… I'm just setting up WeMo lights and switches and I like the sound of your set up.

    • You can buy the Logitech Pop from Amazon by the looks of it. They ship to Aus.

      • They should work fine here right?

        About AUD $146 delivered for set of two….pretty pricey

        • +1

          I agree, pretty pricey and there are alternatives…

          Using tools like Tasker and AutoVoice on Android, you could easily remove the need for these buttons and setup your phone to detect when you get home (when you connect to wifi) and ask you if you want to listen to music/turn lights on etc. If you answer yes (with your voice) it will kick off the tasks to do exactly that. Likewise when you leave it could auto turn off based on your wifi.

          Very powerful tools and cheap.

          For example I have mine setup to turn off security cameras when I'm home and turn them on when I leave. It also uses a Wemo to turn my coffee machine on 45 minutes before my morning alarm goes off so it's warm when I get up. Or if I say "Okay Google, turn coffee machine on" it will switch on

          A great, powerful tool.

          Alternatively I'd be looking at an Amazon echo over these overpriced buttons :)

        • @stratbargain:

          I tried Tasker/AutoVoice and found it kind of annoying, lots of popup notifications and delays. I didn't really give it a good go though so it might all be configurable.

        • @XeKToReX:

          I agree it can be confusing to setup but once it's done it doesn't require popups or delays. All of my tasks happen instantly without any notifications. Just all works behind the scenes.

        • I'm just waiting for a Logitech Pop dual switch pack to arrive from Amazon. The base unit has a US power connection so that will need an adapter. I'm presuming it's universal voltage (as I remember seeing that LIFX staff in Australia were using one).

          Some kind of button will be useful as I can't count the number of times I've gone to a room only to to discover I've forgotten to turn on the LIFX bulb from my phone/ipad. Sure you can flick the switch off, then on, but it'd be nice to have a button for others in the house that don't understand the setup.

          From my reading POP is better than Flic.

        • @stratbargain:
          Tasker and auto voice….. From the app store?
          I've just got WeMo lights, wall switch and the switched plug for home.
          Sounds interesting to set up for auto when you get home…..

        • @albanyson:

          Playstore on Android only (although there may be something similar for IOS on the App Store)

        • @stratbargain:
          Ok, got Tasker. (By craft apps EU)$3.49
          Did you use the auto voice pro paid version?

        • @albanyson:

          I think I use the free version of Auto Voice but I'd have to check

        • @stratbargain:
          Tasker is a bit complex…… It doesn't seem so easy to set up

        • @albanyson:

          Maybe I shouldn't have used the term 'easy' although once you get the hang of it, it's not too difficult.

          Can always get a refund within a couple of hours :)

        • @stratbargain: I'll keep plugging away…..

        • @wfdTamar: Hi, When it arrives and you have it all set up can you post a review (of sorts) on here so I can understand if you are happy with it… Cheers!!!

        • +1


          Probably best to get the autoapps subscription for $15 a year while you work out what extra tools you want. Then you kind of get access to all the tasker apps. Will be much easier if you can find an app for Wemo that has tasker integration/plugins. Play with the free version for a while and see if it clicks with you. Maybe follow a basic tutorial to get the gist.

          If it's just to turn lights on when you get home you don't need autovoice.

          The easiest way to do do it will be to create a PROFILE that recognises when you connect to your home wifi and set the TASK to switch on your lights. Then once working refine it activate between certain times, 6pm - 11pm, Mon to Fri etc depending what suits. When you work this out move on to autovoice. Check out www.reddit.com/r/tasker/ for help, someone might even share their setup for exactly this, then you'll just need to change your details like WiFI name…

          Also for Wemo there is this. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=mpp.android.we…

          And an even easier way might be IFTTT - https://ifttt.com/recipes/286782-when-i-get-home-turn-on-my-…

        • @BaryGusey:
          Thanks for your feedback and reply.
          A bit of tinkering around here to go yet….

        • @albanyson:

          I don't have Wemo, otherwise I could send you a file and have it already done. Tasker is a very steep learning curve. Lots of youtube tutorials for beginners out there.

          Try the IFTTT method for instant turnaround, but it uses the cloud so requires internet connection. Lots of WeMo recipes to look at https://ifttt.com/recipes/search?q=wemo

        • @BaryGusey:
          So far I only have WeMo lights starter kits x2, wall switch and the plug.
          I like StratBargains voice command turning the coffee machine on…..
          Same with music etc.

    • What's so great about the Pop?

      • From what I've read because it uses wifi instead of bluetooth (Flic) the range is better, and because it has a hub you don't need an app running (or installed at least) on a phone for the buttons to work.

        The main reason I want buttons (just a couple) is to works the lights in a few rooms (like the bathroom) when I (or someone else) doesn't have the phone handy.

        • Would it be cheaper to buy Flics and a prepaid phone to act as the hub?

  • +1

    offer also available to the 4 pack - USD 79.20 + 10 shipping

  • +1

    The issue for me is the price of these things (including the logitech pop). I am assuming that most people like my self are wanting these for their LIFX bulbs. Splashing out $30USD on each light bulb (recent ozbagain deal) was a tough pill to swallow, but well worth it, but the issue of having to use my phone as a switch is still a pain.Alas, a button that does exactly what i want but…….more expensive than the actually light globe??!! Im thinking as soon as someone manufactures a cheaper version millions will be purchased as smart lights are the future. Fingers crossed this happens or the flic reduces there price to compete with logitechs version.

  • -1

    cool gimmick but that's all it is…a gimmick. …a few bucks and i'd play with it for a few minutes but can't imagine any practical use especailly on Cyanogen when you can program shortcuts to do anything anyway

    • +2

      The point is that you can stick them anywhere and not require power or fiddling with screen unlocks or loading the right app or widget.

      It's the same as using your phone as a remote control for your TV. Sure, some phones like the S6 can do it. But you have to grab your phone, unlock it, go to the right app or widget, and e.g. hit mute. On the other hand, with a dedicated physical remote control, you just hit the button and the task is done.

      One requires less effort than the other. Some people don't mind the extra effort, others don't want to bother with it.

  • code didnt work. :(

  • +1

    Finally got my Logitech Pop. The base unit is 60x60x20mm, multi voltage with a US style plug so just needs a simple prong adaptor. The buttons are the same size only about half the thickness, with double sided sticky pads on the back. Setup is easy and they work great - only a short delay till action maybe less than half a second. After setup is done no phones/iPads needed to use them.

    You can control:
    August Smart Lock
    Instean Hub
    Lutron Smart Bridge
    Philips Hue

    • Are you using it with LIFX? If so, can you test if it will work without the internet?

      • Yes with LIFX. Uses wifi, so only router needs to be on. Doesn't need internet (tested).

        • Thanks for the response. I've been holding off purchasing because of the cost, but I'm not seeing much competition around the corner so might have to take the dive.

        • @jtb: Does need Internet for the button programming as you login to a Logitech account in the POP app.

          Also works with harmony remotes that have a hub (as they use wifi).

  • I set one Pop up for bathroom Lifx. One click for low light middle of night visits, two clicks for bright light, long press for dim red bath taking light.

  • If you're thinking of getting the Pop worth having a good plan for how to program the three button presses for each button, then you cab get any extra buttons in the same shipment. You can program multiple items for each click type. For example have any number of lights and Sonos turn on for a double click.

    Since it works with harmony you could have lights and A/V devices turn on/dim for movie mode - I'm dead sure women will drop their knickers after experiencing that - not.

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