So if you search IGA catalogues right now you will see Lipton tea bags at half price ($2.34), even at IGA xpress as my local IGA is (Brunswick west in vic). But when I go there, they deny that that is the right price, say they have different pricing to supa IGA and even when I show them the catalogue from the website they say they can't do anything. The scanned price was $3.99, saving $1 off the shelf price.
I might add, I notice most items on the catalogue there is on special, but not by the amount advertised.
Not the first time, I've given up on IGA.
End rant.
I do not shop at IGAs at all.I assume IGA express is convenient store,not covered by catalog or price match.It is just like a Coles express,not having the same price for many things in Coles.