Optus not honouring Free EPL subscription

I signed up for the Optus 40 dollar sim only plan on the 21st August according to this deal
I added EPL subscription free for 12 months and fetch TV mini for 5 dollars to it as well. That EPL offer expired on the 22nd. This is the main reason I signed up for Optus, to watch EPL.

It took them a while to get my account going. First I had to receive the sim by post. Then porting my number from Amaysim. Was good to go on the 29th August. Now I got my bill and they charged for EPL. After many calls to get everything sorted now the are adamant that they only offer EPL free for 80 dollars or more plan. Now they are saying I need to pay up 15 a month for EPL.

Even though I mentioned several times, that offer expired on the 22nd and they are just referring to their website as it states today, they are not getting it.

I even mentioned the order email I got on the 21st stating about the EPL free if subscribed before 22nd, they claim it may be an error.

After threatening to go social website and to ACCC about false advertising, they now want to call me back on Monday. But I think I am going to lose this battle with them.

I am in the right or wrong here.

Hasn't received the fetch to mini yet. They haven't processed the order till today. Now fetch tv mini on the way and I don't want to pay the 15 dollars monthly as that's not what I signed up for.

Forgot to mention when I called this morning, first they said I was wrong and said to talk to the online team and transferred me to them. The guy from " online team" checked and said that I was right as I placed the order before 22nd. He placed the order for fetch tv mini and said that the billing has to credit my account the sum they over charged. When transferred back to billing, they said I was wrong and they talked to supervisor. I just don't get it. Spent 2 hours on a Saturday morning.

After many explaining billing was like that they need to check with online team regarding the validity of my claim. I told them I was just with them before getting transferred here and why not you talk to them and let me know. She was like that the online services not allowed to make decisions on refunds/credit. Then after checking again she was like online services is closed on Saturday and will talk to them Monday and will get in touch with me. So online services closed down all of a sudden. Frustrated…….

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  • +1

    tell them that optus has built its reputation on service. The customer service guarantee outlines specific performance standards and I believe you have not met it and want to complain to your manager.

    I got this random letter from them once, saying they didn't meet the service and got $411 bucks free credit on my account
    weird as

  • Forgot to mention when I called this morning, first they said I was wrong and said to talk to the online team and transferred me to them. The guy from " online team" checked and said that I was right as I placed the order before 22nd. He placed the order for fetch tv mini and said that the billing has to credit my account the sum they over charged. When transferred back to billing, they said I was wrong and they talked to supervisor. I just don't get it. Spent 2 hours on a Saturday morning.

    After many explaining billing was like that they need to check with online team regarding the validity of my claim. I told them I was just with them before getting transferred here and why not you talk to them and let me know. She was like that the online services not allowed to make decisions on refunds/credit. Then after checking again she was like online services is closed on Saturday and will talk to them Monday and will get in touch with me. So online services closed down all of a sudden. Frustrated…….

  • Is there a cool off period in the contract? 14 days to cancel, if not happy.

  • +6

    Let me clue you in on how to deal with telcos: do the minimum necessary.

    Explain your situation to them once and then ask for the resolution you want. They will refuse. Hang up.

    Now go to the TIO website and get something done about it.

    Don't be a fool and waste minutes/hours/days/weeks/months/years because the telcos do not say yes to anyone but the TIO when it comes to resolving things.

    Do not waste your time with them.

    • +1

      Thanks for the advice, will follow up. Reading others comments about Optus in the past realised the same thing.

  • Just to let you know, my colleague had exactly the same issue after applying on the very last day of the free EPL offer. The $15 charge was reversed after giving them a call. Forward them your confirmation email after you applied

    • +1

      I did tell them about the email and the replay was that it might be a mistake. I said that isn't it false advertising and reply to that was its not their department. Going to follow it up with TIO if no one calls on Monday. Not calling, holding and doing house work for two hours at the same time again with these jokers.

  • -1

    I think it means you need to sign up to the EPL plan itself before 22 Aug, not order a service before then.

    • well you see it does not make sense. They are taking orders till the 22nd saying free EPL. There is nothing else people who signed up can do. Then they should have in their terms and conditions or somewhere else stating about activating EPL as they is no way to do it till you get the sim by post and then to have the service activated by them.

  • +1

    If you need it, I have a brochure from Optus advertising the deal (as I signed up to it as well).

  • Posted the whole thing on Optus Facebook page and they gave me the refund and also gave me free EPL for rest of the season. Managed to sort it on a Sunday.

    I was so close to giving up and paying for it yesterday but thanks for the support guys, I kept going. Looks like social media is the only way to get their attention by shaming them….sadly it works

  • Now you gonna enjoy this epl season free… thats awesome..

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