It's the same price as: Scottys Deal
If you're purchasing more than one and getting it delivered, better to buy it from TGGs Website - thanks k_leb
Have fun, I have two already from JB Hifi.
Suggestions for alternative usages most welcome, hacks or otherwise.
LG MR140 Multi Room Hub $1 (Was $72) Pick up Only [Price Error]@ The Good Guys eBay

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closed Comments
Looks like a good drinks coaster
The only review on TGG's page
Good points-
It's meant to extend the wireless range
Bad Points−
I still don't really understand why I need this?Bought three anyways
got 3
Thanks OP, Ordered
Just in case anyone did want to order more than 1, I think if you go through TGG website it only charges you shipping once (as opposed to eBay which is per item).
out of stock in WA :(
Sydney : Sold out
For Melbourne people
Looks like available in only 2 stores
Frankston The Good Guys, Frankston Power Centre, Shop M5, 111 Cranbourne Road, Frankston, VIC 3199In stock40.2 km
Mornington The Good Guys, Shop B2-B3 Peninsula Homemaker Centre, 1128 - 1132 Nepean Highway, Mornington, VIC 3931In stock46 k$9 delivered to WA, might give it a shot
Has anyone got one from the last sale and figured out what you might do with it? Seems to have Ethernet (edit: only 1, one spec page said 2), Wifi and some form of mesh radio.
as wasting money goes on this site, this box seems to be the winner..
I read the description and still don't understand quite what this is it why it ought to be needed.
what does it do guys?
Think the ozbargain ethos is to buy first and ask what it does second?
'When building a multiroom home setup, one Music Flow unit must be LAN connected to the home router. Users can install the R1 Bridge in this role and then enjoy more flexible speaker positioning and WiFi stability.' Got that .. :-( .. ??
So they tell us what problem this supposedly fixes but not much else
This is the TGG version of what the box does. Hence the quotes .. :>O .. !!
"Multi-room music: The LG Music Flow R1 (also known as the MR140) plugs into your home network via Ethernet and gets your LG Music Flow system underway. Used in conjunction with other LG Music Flow devices, it sets up a reliable, wireless mesh. More stable than your existing Wi-Fi, the LG Stable Mesh network creates a Dual band net, which ensures a stable platform, without the risk of dropout."
I think it's a wifi bridge.
If it is then it's only useful for adding wifi to devices with ethernet but no usb adaptors like an original 360 or some sort of ancient dvd player.
Ordered 3 from tgg website. Figure out what to do with them when they arrive.
Stock still available at:
Morayfield The Good Guys, Homestyle Morayfield, Shop 7, 343 Morayfield Rd, Morayfield, QLD 4506
Think that might be about it.
eye catching trick
Used my $25 Gift Voucher and it worked $11 delivered for 3 down to $0
No $50 Spend Needed?
I bought coffee pods for $25.90, paid 90c. No problem at store pickup.
You hv so many… Lol
But thanks for letting me knw
😀 Got 480 basic pods free a year ago. Gave away over 100. Not many left now. So bought better ones, as the price was right 😯
Great fathers day gift.
Let him figure out what it's used for. At least when he Googles it he will see it's worth $70odd
unless the first result is ozbargain
These things are useless unless you are planning on getting LG wireless speakers also
They do not work with any other systems. Similar to a sonos boost
It's all a cunning plan by TGG in order to sell LG speakers!!
I found these instructions in a review on Amazon UK, the reviews are not good, but I have oredered 3 for $11 delivered and will have a crack.…
I bought one of these just yesterday and have had such a problem connecting it and the speakers to create a wired connection - 'Which' says it isn't easy but gives no instructions - so I am going to write some hopefully easy to follow instructions from the notes I made.
- Download Music Flow onto your PC you'll get this from Google Play.
- Open Music Flow, click on settings (cog wheel icon) at top right.
- On left menu bar click on the plus sign in a double box next to 'speakers' - this is the add component button, select Bridge - you need to do this first.
- On next page click next
- On next page select Wireless, click on Next
- Connect the Ethernet cable between the router and the Bridge and when the light on the front of the Bridge turns solid white click on Next
- Magically we then got a message saying Wired Network Connection complete
- Finish.
Repeat these steps to add your speakers - should be self-explanatory now.
reviews are not good, but I have oredered 3
Something went wrong. Please try to check out again.
Please don't buy it if you don't know what it is
Here is the manual:, it can't extend your Wi-Fi network without the supporting hardware.
Best to leave it for people who can actually use it.
Otherwise it's just a paperweight
Nah, I'll do what I want, thanks.
Please develop DD-WRT for it. I will be ever grateful.
$1 for an Ethernet cable and a 12v dc power pack. Not bad. The rest I suspect can be disposed of….
accurate for some of the buyers i assume
I am going to post a deal to send empty boxes for $1 + shipping with a mysterious description of the air inside. I will be rich! So many here willing to buy crap they don't understand. Its not a bargain if what you get in return is worthless.
How is this worthless?
At the very least, you could sell them on eBay for 700% profit.
@kleetus, they're a dollar for a reason.
Regardless, they sell on eBay and elsewhere, so they cannot be worthless.
First you got to offer it for sale for $700, then reduce the price, then it's a bargain
looks useless
Looks an be deceiving, but that probably doesn't apply here :)
98.7% positive feedback There was less backlash towards Gearbest before they we're banned from here.
Here's a sample from the gamble guys eBay feedback in the past month.
- Over 20 days and multiple emails to receive product. Horrendous customer service
- used store pick up NOT IN STOCK had to $11.92 post Local store called has stock?
- Item was listed as in stock but few days later was notified it was out of stock.
- Come on
- Contacted, didn't respond. Didn't receive correct item. Doesn't look like pic.
- Aus retail poor cust service. Moving shop so no p/u or hold. GG cancelled order!
- I purchased this item and within 2 weeks they offered the same at $32 less!!!
- the worst service ever it took nearly 3 weeks to deliver even after charging $8.
- Appalling customer service. Lost customer and bad word of mouth forever!
- Still haven't received item, limited communication, feedback within 60 days
- Waiting 2 weeks for a click and collect item that was marked in stock, not good.
Sad when you trust some store in Shenzhen more than a local bricks and mortar.
I'm sure your neighbours will appreciate all this useless crap on the 2.4/5GHz band! Especially those that bought 3. Check out
Just ordered 3 ,thanks
Can be delivered via there website
Are these weight-bearing and compatible with concrete adhesive? If so, I need around 10,000 of these bricks to build my dream home.
"Error:The following products "Multi-Room Hub" are not buyable"
oh well
only work with LG music flow speaker???
World's most powerful drinks coaster.
Available again. Looks like it's not price error
Wish it could be used as a router.
Bought one. Picked it up as well. Postcode 3220. An hour after picking it up, store called. At 15:00. Stating this was a pricing error.
If item isn't shipped or picked up, all the purchasers will be contacted. Pricing will change even if you have bought it. Coming from tgg.
So pick it up ASAP if you haven't.I ordered 2 last night to be delivered.
Didn't put up as seemed too good to be true.
Got a phone call today saying it won't be honoured. They gave me some lame excuse.
So seems unlikely anyone will get one that was having it delivered.Me too, got the call.
I didn't get a call, and today I received a tracking number for (3) of these units, yay!
Thanks OP.
WTF, you lucky bastard…when did you order?
I just got an email saying my delivery order for 3 was cancelled.
Their excuse was due to unprecedented demand.
Yep same here!
only 3 left lolLooks like the limit is 3 per personno pickup locations in sydney