for those who like Lindt chockies!….
All Lindt Creation, Lindor, Excellence 100g Blocks
for those who like Lindt chockies!….
All Lindt Creation, Lindor, Excellence 100g Blocks
But when I gave dad the card without the Lindt, he asked where the chocolate was. So the card was a downside. :(
So it's normally $40 / kg?
You can get a LOT for $40/kg. Hard to justify that price I think
I love buying kgs
Been watching the Bachelor, huh? These cheap blocks may contain traces of Richie.
Like what?
Pity most of the lindt chocs are ~50% fat!
yes what a pity.
stuffs face with more chocolate
Ah, so that explains why Lindt Chocolate are so dang' good!!!
Why can't I get so excited when bags of carrots are being sold at half price? :o(
Many dietians now consider that sugar is much worse for you than fat unless it is heavily processed.
What do you imply? Lindt dark chocolate is totally fine then since it has less sugar?
First page of results for health benefits of dark chocolate are all positive, so that is good enough for me :-D
My wife agrees so we have 10 blocks in the pantry.
Fat ain't your problem, its sugar thats the poison. The 90% dark choc option is the healthiest.
At my local store last night there were zillions of 70% blocks, I had to go digging to find a single 90% block both in the usual choc aisle and at the aisle end!
Might go elsewhere this weekend. nomnomnom
70% is pointless. Still has that nasty over-sweet taste that causes most people to dislike dark chocolate
90% rules.
Agree 100% - and the 90% is so smooth and not bitter at all.
Is it? Why does it taste bitter to me then? May be something wrong with my tongue. Somehow, all dark chocolates taste bitter to me.
@virhlpool: probably just what you're used to. My favourite dark was the 85% moser roth from Aldi, so I was used to that - and in comparison, lindt 90% is not bitter (to my tastes). Worth pointing out as well that people have an inherently different perception of bitterness just because we're all different.
This come up every few weeks at one of the major supermarkets. Not sure if it's a deal!
Yeah, it feels like every second week it's this price?
Not that I'm complaining, I usually buy a basket full.
Yeah and it was mentioned in the Woolies catalogue post
How many kilometers walking is each block worth?
Depends how far your local WW is!
90% only has 1.3g of sugar per serve!
bit bitter for most ppl tho.. 70% is not bad especially the coconut and raspberry flavours.
But then again… when can you stop at one serve? lol
here goes my figure
Excellence is also $2 at Big W with a free Father's Day Card.