Laundromat Vs Home Dryer - Help

I usually do my washing once a week at the Dryer and I spend on average $8 a week say for 8 months of the year, i spend $277 roughly a year on the dryer.
The other 4 is on the clothesline.

So an 8kg Dryer is about $799, so just to pay back the dryer i would be looking at roughly 3 years and there is electricity on top.

What would you say the benefits are, I'm struggling to see any, other than convenience.


  • our Tongtel dryer cost $250……
    then again we only use it sparingly and our old Hoover dryer was a hand me down from in laws (it was 20 years old when it started making grinding noises)

  • +2

    Really cheap dryer worth looking at is the Sunny type

  • Driers use heaps of power too.especuslly electric types for heating.

    It's not just the procurement cost of the unit .

    See if you can spun dry it better too if you really need one

    • petrol, tyres etc to travel?

    • my dryer costs 70c load to run electricty. at the laundromat that is $3. my aldi dryer was $220, or you can pick up a second hand one cheaply around $50.

      is it costing you petrol to go to the laundromat?

      • My dryer uses between 20-40c in electricity per load, depending on the load. My dishwasher uses 29c in electricity.

        • how did you work it out?

        • @trips: it has an energy rating on it. look at your electricty rate and calculate.

        • +1

          I have a product that measures electricity usage directly from the powerpoint. It also provides total cost when you enter your Price of electricity. Very cool.

  • +2

    Buy your own. I use the laundromat to wash the towels i use on the dog and horse. I also tumble dry it there too.

    Hate to be the person that uses it after me,

  • +1

    Using public toilets would save money too but it is disgusting as well as inconvenient. And you can definitely find decent dryers for less than $800.

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