I recently received a genuine email from [email protected]
with my full name. Something about changes to our agreement.
Anyway, i assume its fake & forward it to this address: [email protected]
for analysis. Here's the reply i got :) :
Thank you for partnering with PayPal to combat fraudulent emails. We
take reports of suspicious email very seriously. Your submission helped
us take the appropriate action needed to protect our customers.
We analyzed your report and determined that the suspicious email was
likely fraudulent. If you haven't done so already, please delete the
original. If you believe that you were also the victim of fraud related
to this email, please take the additional steps:
- Open a new browser and type in "www.paypal.com"
- Log in to your PayPal account.
- Click "Security and Protection" near the top of the page.
- Click "Identify a problem."
- Click "I think someone may be using my account without permission."
- Click "Unauthorized Account Activity."
If you have any other questions about PayPal security, please visit the
PayPal Security Center.
Thanks again for the report.
PayPal Security
Copyright© 2016 PayPal Inc. All rights reserved.
OK but it seems like a dumb solution for a criminal to use to get you to click on a link. No one reads user agreements let alone updates to them.