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Dragon Professional Individual 15 - Speech Recognition Software $95 (Save $365) @ Voice X


Dragon Professional Individual 15 - Speech Recognition Software (PC)
New Release - Special Pre-Order Offer - Limited time only

New Release - Dragon Professional Individual V15

Pre-order now for $95… Save $365!

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closed Comments

  • I have ordered it but have not received download link yet. We will see.

  • +3

    How about putting $99 in the title?

    • +2

      Sorry first ever post.

    • Probably a better idea to make it $95…

  • Wow, just ordered it, don't know how I'll use it ( I do quite a bit of letter dictation) but at $99 and tax deduction for work…
    OZB - Buy 1st, find reason later

  • Thanks OP! Just got the downloadable version for AUD$95.00.
    Edit 1: they should consider updating their letter:
    "Thank you for your pre-order. Dragon Pro Individual 15 is due for release by Nuance on 1st September, 2015."

  • +4

    Four people in a row shelling out on a relatively specialty use software within an hour of the post? I smell socks and puppets.

    • not really mate, I just buy what I like…

    • Because I'll rather try out the general dictation program for $99 rather than shell out $2500 for the specialised medical version ? Not sure how I'll intergrate it into my workflow, but at that price I'm happy to buy it and play around with it.

      • +2

        Roger that, Mr Dragon haha

    • Voice commands and typing is not a specialty.

    • +1

      I was thinking the same. But looking at the join date of those accounts.. They are either legit or were just playing the long game.

      • or have a paypal account and enough money in the bank account to put their money where their mouth is (not that we have a mouth in this site -> only keyboards).

    • +1

      Add another - its a great product, even if the company blows goats for support and treats their customers like crap XD

      • I hate the interface, it seems too rigid!

        • try dropping in knowbrainer - link is below

        • @mycosys: 199$!

        • @bargainaus: or free if you are disabled. Hope i can find my key

        • @mycosys: How do the disabled get Knowbrainer for free?

          I have a few clients who would benefit from that. Cheers!

        • +1

          @StewBalls: link is a few posts down :)

        • @mycosys: Thanks a bunch for that.

          Dunno how I missed it as I was reading through, doh! :)

        • @bargainaus:
          i should probably point out that the $200 includes knowbrainer support, which is a damn good thing as Nuance's support is legendarily awful (aka worse than non-existent), and Luis is pretty legendary in speech rec circles, and his staff are knowledgeable.

  • Pretty good deal. I used to work for the relay service and we revoiced real-time phone calls using this software, it was a little bit hit and miss but a good alternative for people who want to type less due to tendonitis etc

    • +1

      Its gotten VERY good, but you need a good mic and a decent PC

  • cheers. Thanks for the post

  • TY so much - needed a new copy since version 10 XD
    Really looking forward to less pain typing - thanks again

  • Is this any good for taking meeting minutes or the like? Or does everyone need to have had 1 hour + using this program before they get recognised?

    • Useful as tits on a bull for that im afraid. Not only does every voice in dragon need training, but this is the single USER (not PC, user) version and isnt designed to work with multiple voices

      • That's a shame. Any other program which can?

        • Honestly wish i could tell you. if there is it is reasonably recent, but then computers are also much faster so it is that much more likely to exist. Heck of a challenge to impliment though

        • @mycosys: I suppose. You'd think it'd be quite common now given how Google's voice api is free to use.

  • Worth considering adding knowbrainer, command software for dragon. Not as essential as it used to be but pretty cool.

    it is also available free for anyone with a disability -

    Their forums can also be very handy in working out the software, as is their mic recommendation list

  • Depending on your use case, as a free alternative couldn't you just take a note or email and use the Google Voice dictation on a mobile device, or use something like this https://speechnotes.co/ (which also has a chrome extension)?

    • clearly you dont understand what this software does. this isnt the 90s

    • and i would very much prefer not to have to send all my voice data over the net, and it isnt remotely realtime which DNS is, nor cab it voice command the machine

  • UPDATE: I rang voicex and they are processing the orders currently. They said we should receive an email possibly today, if not today then in the next few days.

  • Update: download link available - should have been sent to your email address. Installing now. NET framework installation taking a long time, hours now…?

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