No Winner for This Week's Competition

Unfortunately I have to announce that there is no winner for this week's competition due to lack of participation.

We usually run competitions each week (see this forum post for details), and draw the winners on Thursday at 12pm. However, due to lack of participation, I have to call a halt on the competition.

Overall we only have 3 deals submitted last week that were not submitted by me, other merchants or other websites, and Jaxx, a winner from the past two weeks, was one of them, which excludes him from winning again. That means I have to give the two prizes to two remaining submitter… Well, we can't call it a competition, can we?

The competition shall resume next week, and hopefully we will get more submissions on deals and coupons. To compensate this week's absense, I will give $40 to the most popular/most voted deal next week, plus two random winners with $20 each. Participants from this week will still be in the draw.



  • 1) Can't you just give the two submitters, $20 bucks each, for random winners & do no random winners, next week?

    2) Would one person get $40 or would the two highest voted offers get $20 each?

    3) Re - "Well, we can’t call it a competition, can we?" You could, because some week people find bargains and some weeks they don't, you can't expect everyone to find a bargain every week?

    4) What happens if it happens next week and the week after & you cancel it over and over. It wouldn't be fair to this week submitters?

    • Jeffrey — I appreciate that you have spent time finding bargains and posting them here, but sounds like you are demanding a payout, don't you?

      Sorry it is a competition — I am running it off my own pocket to encourage people to share the bargains here, and I hold the final say on whom I will give the money to. Is it fair if I cancel the whole competition right now? Yes, it would be fair. And sometimes you just can't demand it in the same way you demand salary from the work you do.

  • Totally understand Scott, it's good that you'll put the $ towards next week's comp.

    BTW, I didn't win Powerball last week so I can't share …fingers crossed for tonight! Couldn't come at a better time too…I got the sack today :(

    • You are in Adelaide, and you have just bee sacked — you were not working for Holden, were you?

      Well. Look at this way, you get the redundant package, so have a nice break, and take your time finding your next job! Sometimes I wish I can be sacked…

  • no, but I now know how those people feel.
    I hope I do get a redundancy package, coz I don't want to be redeployed to some crappy position; if I say no to it, I don't get package :( I'll find out today.

    What would you do if you got the sack? I'm considering starting my own business, but just need a good idea! hah.

  • Hey Jaxx

    having been thru a couple of redundancies I can offer the following advice.

    1. There are always new doors to open.. some with pleasant surprises
    2. In the next few weeks you can go thru some highs and some really low lows.

    When you hit the lows the best way is to smile and say - hey thats the low I was told about. Thats great because 1. I knew it would come and 2 its going to go up from here.

    Hitting the lows especially doubting yourself, wondering why it was you etc are just natural. Why do I say that. Because the same feelings occurred when I got a redundancy which I was hoping to get (It was a good package and I was really tired of the job), as when it was totally unexpected.

    Hope that helps and remember to keep those great bargains flowing, they are very much appreciated…

    • ozpete — great tips!

      I have a few friends working in big financial firms, and according to them, people getting redundant is almost everyday business, and sometimes for no apparent reason at all (say, someone 13 years into service, got redundant, because "can't come early enough").

      Unfortunately (or fortunately) I am working in a smaller firm and am currently irreplaceable so there is no way out unless resigning. It is a tiring work, and I don't mind getting a redundant package, take 6 months off, and find another job again…

      Starting your own business is certainly a possibility, but sorry if I have any good idea I would done it myself :)

  • hey thanx ozpete for the words of encouragement. Have definitely felt the low, even though the company say that it is not a performance issue and just that the position itself is redundant, you still can't help thinking that it's somehow personal.

    been buying quite a few lotto tickets lately, which is really stupid coz ANY other form of gambling has better odds of winning, but I guess all their advertising just gets to me! evil bastards!

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