Just a FYI really.
I'm happy to be a part of this.
Just a FYI really.
I'm happy to be a part of this.
Not surprising. Out of all the bargain sites I'm active on. This is the most friendly and helpful.
It's been an honour and privilege to be part of this great community :). Congrats OzB
Great job Scotty and crew.
But, I can't help but think that all of jv's posts have skewed the data :-)
CheapCheapLah needs some love though - only 250 comments sitewide
If you go to an old page and click on all the commenters, it's rare to find a member who hasn't logged in recently. People keep coming back and OzB keeps growing.
If OzBargain is the fastest growing then it will hopefully overtake Kogan. However, I don't understand why Roy Morgan says there are 948,000 visitors a month, but apparently Google Analytics says there are 1,819,000(files.delvu.com). Alexa says OzBargain is ranked 91 in Australia, above kogan.com at 163 and also above Whirlpool.
This ranking site says OzB is the 5th shopping site: https://www.similarweb.com/country_category/australia/shoppi…
There may be some cons of being so big though. Like how quickly good deals sell out.
When things go big they tend to lose what made them special in the first place.
I love you, OzBargain! :D
See what it looked like way back in 2006! https://web.archive.org/web/20060501000000*/https://www.ozba…
Great link. Half of those deals would have been removed in today's ozbargain market. Good fun.
Wow, go team :)
we go alright
once we beat kogans website i will be happy
Yes! One step closer to world domination.
If only we outnumbered eBay. For example wouldn't it be great if we could unionise and strike whenever an OzBargain member is ripped off by PayPal or eBay.
Hi, Mumbles, I love your idea as I had been badly treated by Paypal and eBay. Closed my accounts with them totally. Instead use my Master Debit Cards to deal directly with sellers.
Just want to let you guys know I am scotty's younger brother. So feel free to congratulate me.
dug for cover
*duck for cover
I didnt realise the groupon and catchoftheday websites still had much traffic. I know I stopped visiting when they started to sell crap or the good stuff in those impossible flash sales
There are other sites!?
Professionals doing their jobs!
Must be all those people who sign up to get legal or financial advice for free. But you get what you pay for I guess.
Nice one ozbargain and "Scotty"…been a great ride along the way…and credit to all the other 'anonymous' people that run, support and manage this site, with the great community that are drawn here. Go hard!
SmartCompany took Roy Morgan's research and published their own article(smartcompany.com.au) with a section "Why shoppers are attracted to online forums" interviewing Paul Greenberg (ex Deals Direct) about OzBargain…
Anyway, back to Roy Morgan's research — I have no idea where the number comes from but "948,000 unique monthly visitors" and "more than 2.5 times as many as in 2012" are definitely inaccurate. My suspicion would be HitWise because other people have shown me their "research" previously with inaccurate result (and they actually sell them as market intelligence). As inherentchoice has pointed out, our current monthly uniques is around 1.9 million and "948,000" is more like our 2012 figure. These were taken from our Google Analytics report, which does not include those who block Analytics scripts (yes, you uBlock users). I guess traffic figures for other sites are also inaccurate.
At least it's one of few actually acknowledges OzBargain as a community forum. Most other "market research groups" lump us together with eBay, CoTD, Kogan etc and call us an eCommerce site.
Haha Paul Greenberg is comparing us to wolves or hyenas that "hunt in a pack".
I guess that's true when a good deal comes up and a bunch of brodens react like the craziness at Walmart on Black Friday.
wow…Thats amazing…Scotty & Team must be very proud.