This was posted 8 years 6 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PlayStation Plus September 2016 Games (Subscription Required)


Available to download on 6th September:

September 2016

Lords of the Fallen PS4
Journey PS4,PS3
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands PS3
Datura PS3
Badland (GOTY?) PS4,PS3,PS VITA
Amnesia: Memories PS VITA

PS+ Sept 2016 Vid:

Dont forget to grab previous month before they are removed

August 2016

Tricky Towers PS4
Rebel Galaxy PS4
Yakuza 5 PS3
Retro/Grade PS3
Tom Clancy’s EndWar PS3
Patapon 3 PS VITA
Ultratron PS4,PS3,PS VITA

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closed Comments

  • +8

    Best lineup for a long time. Happy.

    • +12

      Yeah for sure. So many times I have nearly purchased Journey

      • Same here, also Lords.

      • +4

        Typical, I bought Journey last month. Ah well, bound to happen eventually.

        • +1

          Haha, yeah so did I

          Still, it's such a great game that I don't mind.

    • +3

      Yay finally I get stop complaining about the terrible lineup

    • +4

      Really not hard to have a "best line up" when the offerings are usually crap :) Lords has me tempted.

  • +5

    Nice I've been waiting to experience Journey for quite some time.

  • +1

    Excellent line up. Already own all these games but this gives me inspiration to play them all again. Great games.

    • +4

      There ya go bud

  • +1

    Considering resubscribing just for journey. Apparently they raised their prices though, does this apply to AU as well?

    • +2

      No, that only applied to US subscriptions

    • Wouldn't it just be cheaper to buy journey? unless you want to continue to sub.

    • +1

      Actually Sony haven't announced anything for Australian subscriptions YET. Hopefully there is no price increase, but I think there will be. Maybe by $10 for the annual subscription. Please SONY don't raise the price

  • Hoping there's a sale for PSN cards to get on this month PS Plus

    • +1

      Once a blue moon :-(

    • I know there was a woolworths credit back for AMEX cards, Spend $30 to get $10 back… you can get an EB games card from there and then buy the PSN card for $10 less

      That's what I'm planning on doing.

    • +2

      1 year ps plus is AUD $50 on Canadian psn.

  • ooh Journey! I have been waiting to play that game for forever.

  • Holy hell journey and lords of the fallen, what a perfect month!

  • Journey is an excellent experience. Highly recommend everyone give it a shot.

  • +4

    After fart-arseing around for about 18 months of PS4 ownership, last month I finally bought Journey haha

  • +3

    NBA2k16 was the best game they gave on PS4 yet

    • Was it the full game? I downloaded and played it a couple of times but it didn't seem like the full game, wasn't sure though cause I hadn't played a basketball game in years

      • +1

        The download was only partial of the full game, it will continue download while you are playing. Once the full game downloaded you get to play all the features.

        • +3

          Ah sweet, cheers. I'll have to revisit and shoot some more bricks

  • +1

    I only bought Journey 2 months ago, but great lineup!

  • +2

    Man I wish they'd port Patapon to console.

  • Can I download Yakuza 5 on my PS4? Or is it for a PS3 console only? I couldnt find it on my ps4

    • +2

      PS3 only

  • +1

    Am I the only one who prefers the August games?

    • +3


  • +3

    Thanks for posting this early - I totally forgot to get my August games.

  • +3

    none of these games do anything for me.. will try them anyway i guess

  • +2

    Great to see Journey on the list.

    I was so close to purchasing it last month.

  • +1

    I already have Journey so bad month IMO

  • +3

    Lol at the Watch Dog for Sept rumour again ! It just keeps coming…must be Ubisoft leaking rubbish to keep Watch Dog relevant given the sequel's impending release.

  • +1

    cheers for not including the word free on your post

    • +2

      but they are free

      • -1

        not when you are paying for the subscription and dont really own the license, just a copy of a license as long as you are a member.

  • I have almost bought Journey many times. I wanted it so badly. Worth the wait!

  • When do previous month games get removed from the free download list? Is it the first day of the next month or do they let it overlap usually?

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