What bothers you most about OzBargain?

Interested to see what your biggest gripe is with OzBargain.

For me it is their insanely stupid referral rule that allows a deal submitter to put their referral link in the OP instead of forcing everyone to go through the Random referral system, which would make it fairer for everyone. Not only that having one person get all referrals often makes companies suspicious and in the past led to ing direct blocking ozbargain referrals because clearly OP made bank.

Just because someone is 5 minutes to submit than you, it could result in them making thousands from them getting to have their link in OP potentially forever, if it's a long running deal.


    • +2

      Don't be disheartened. We want you to keep coming back.

  • I'm not fond of comment threads which confuse opinion with fact as they aren't very useful and get heated unnecessarily, leading to name calling and neg votes.

    Having an opinion is great, and if you can back up your opinion with facts (preferably with links) to help justify your position that helps everyone learn a bit more.

  • +1

    People that take personal offense when you comment on their bargain suggesting an alternative product.

    Also those who think just because they've posted a few bargains it entitles them to be a douchebag.

  • +3

    When there are eBay or store wide sales people still post: "Any good deals on xx" "Anyone find deals on iPhones please let me know" etc.

    Ozbargain post had already shown you the overarching discount, do a quick search - will take you 2 mins. Don't expect people to spoon feed you a deal because you can't be bothered to search yourself.

    • +1

      Especially when there is a link in bold and in big font on the deal page saying 'link to search stores here'

  • +2

    Finding out I had bought something at a higher price than I should have.

  • +1

    When members neg a deal then make multiple comments, you don't know which comment was the reason for the neg vote.

  • Not so much a complaint but something I would like…

    To get deals shown on the first page that are more targeted to what i am interested in. I find the menu and search function clunky so it would be nice if I can tell the site somehow what interests me and it gets priority, similar to how facebook works with friends you interact with more showing up more. Unless this is available and I don't know??

    • You can customise the front page via My Account - Edit:


      However, we don't have any Facebook algorithm to show you deals that may interest you. Certainly an interesting concept. I'm wondering what metrics we could use to show something like that.

      I find the menu and search function clunky

      What do you find clunky about the menu & search?

      • Thanks for the reply. Fair enough, it might be difficult to integrate. Google seems to know everything I like! I wonder if it could be achieved with some sort of Google software? I have no skills in this field so I have no idea!

        Regarding the menu and search:

        Menu - Here's an example, I like to look at any deals related to cameras and lenses. As far as I can see, I can click on "Electrical & Electronics" and then "camera", which is ok, but I don't think it includes lens specific deals, just cameras or cameras with lenses.

        Search - I haven't found an effective way to search yet. Searching via "Relevance" seems to produce some decent results (not sure what the variables are?), but the dates seem to be all over the place (i know there is a separate date specific search). Searching via date brings up everything possible with the word included, so it brings back many hits that are of no interest. Where this has proven clunky is if I remember say five days ago there was a deal I was interested in either of the above search methods don't seem to find it easily. Scrolling through several pages is what I sometime do, but that is time consuming too. I just noticed it is possible to narrow the search to "electrical" for example, so I will try that next time and maybe it will be more effective. However, I would have thought say a camera name would generally only be within that category anyway, so it may not remove too many other "hits".

        Apologies if I am doing it wrong! Thanks for querying.

        • Menu - Here's an example, I like to look at any deals related to cameras and lenses. As far as I can see, I can click on "Electrical & Electronics" and then "camera", which is ok, but I don't think it includes lens specific deals, just cameras or cameras with lenses.

          Sure. Electrical and Electronics is a category whereas camera is a tag. For example, any deals where someone tags their deal with camera or lists a product (e.g. Canon EOS 600D. This deal lists the EOS600D which is a camera and a DSLR.

          • The EOS600D is always a camera but a camera is not always an EOS600D.
          • A DSLR is always a camera but a camera is not always a DSLR.

          So to get back to lenses, a lens is not a camera and neither is a camera a lens. Neither would be related tags. Hope that makes sense.

          BTW,the tags you see in Electrical and Electronics are the most popular tags in that category:

          LCD TV
          Power Bank

          Camera Lens is not a popular tag however there are deals posted under that tag.

          Now I think if you were wanting to browse through the menu to find what you wanted like you would with a store then we'd have to use sub categories, and sub sub categories (and sub sub sub categories). E.G For Amazon it would be Departments-Computer & Electronics-Camera, Photo & Video-Camera Lenses (3 sub-categories deep). This would rely on users categorising deals correctly whereas even now users struggle to figure out which category deals & forums should be in.

          But I do see where the frustration is looking for a lens via browsing. Perhaps there needs to be a mention of lens & other accessories in that camera page. We'll have to give a think about it.

          That was a long explanation but the best way to find out about new lens deals is to create an email alert from a lens search.


          Can you give an example of what you were searching?

  • Start a OZB FB group and everyone join I want to see your ugly faces lol.

    • You create one and share it so we can see you first ;)

  • What bothers me the most is that after all this time, I am yet to snag 1 insanely cheap "Price Error" deal!!
    Missed out on the Tamron lens from HN today by minutes… damn.

  • +2

    Pointless threads trending as 'hot discussion topics.'

  • +1

    People who can't tell a sarcastic comment unless it has sarc tags and then neg it.

    • I love those people.

  • +1

    Missing deals sucks, I wish there was a mobile app that notified me when there was a deal for a product I'm interested in.

    That and the voting system for deals. I didn't realise that the home page only featured the popular sanitised stuff for the first year I came to the site and that I had to click on DEALS to see all the deals…how much cheap crap I missed in that year I will never know…

    • You can setup a search alert so every time a keyword matches what you are looking for we will email you.

  • +1

    Lack of Eneloop deals
    Not being able to find bargains to post myself due to laziness

  • +2

    FRAUD and ACCC complaint threads where a deal has legitimately run out or ended or whatever. It isn't against the law for you to not get the best deal ever offered!

  • Those 20% off on ebay, either I cant find something to buy or get there too late :P

  • +1

    People commenting on deals with questions that can easily be found by either looking at the deal, reading the OP's description or a simple google search.

    • +1

      e.g. "does the computer need electricity to work?"

    • 'Can I charge my MacBook Pro Retina with this Powerbank?'

    • "Are these Eneloops rechargeable?"

  • +4

    Too many top bargains are free eBooks, lining up for a free donut, etc. I like ozbargain because it saves me time and money when buying large ticket items. Everything else on the site is just noise.

    • I have 1400 amazon eBooks…

      • how many have you read?

        • +1

          Well if you count all the ones I have read part of


  • +2

    It's tiresome that every one feels they need to voice their displeasure regarding the price bumping retailers do during an ebay sale. Obviously there are still bargains to be found during ebay sales that's why they are popular. Does the comment section have to be a sea of whinging? Find the bargains, ignore the non bargains. It is what it is. Move on.

  • +2

    JV's posts, the guy is such a sad sack. Never seems happy about anything.

    • +1

      Not arguing, but I reckon she has added a lot to this site over the years. Straight talk, and not way overboard comments (that I've noticed).

    • -1


      You sure she is a guy?

  • Lack of diversity in the types of deals that make it to the highlighted front page on a day to day basis. How many hard drives do the general OB population buy!?

    It was exciting when someone got a deal on the front page for fancy secateurs (learnt from their knowledge of gardening tools and quality of various brands) and someone else for their farm to home box of citrus (always happy to buy straight from a farm - the tangelos were so good!).

    I am always always grateful for the specsavers deals.

  • That it's way too addictive.
    And makes me prone to spend more overall.

    Also the harshness of banning a user, or removing appropriate neg votes which are right, but don't meet guidelines. No complaints though, as Ozb is a pretty well oiled machine we enjoy :-)

  • +7

    1 - too many smug, passive aggressive and uptight individuals here.

    2 - Politically correct, out to make a point f**kwits.

    3 - People that talk about how "well off" they are and how they "earn" $80k+ per year and live on their own/with partner, yet come here to penny pinch and snatch bargains, there's people out there who could use it more while you stock up on shit you don't actually need or could afford to buy regardless (just sayin')

    4 - 30-something year olds who live in their mum's basement and the only way they can feel superior is by being a dick online.

    5 - When someone has a legitimate perfectly reasonable right-place and right-time question or statement and they get negged.

    6 - We should take out the Neg/Pos system or make users type in why they're always negging

    • +5

      5 - When someone has a legitimate perfectly reasonable right-place and right-time question or statement and they get negged.

      Amen to that. It may be the professional offence takers who seem to spend their lives desperately looking for anything to be offended about.

    • "3 - People that talk about how "well off" they are and how they "earn" $80k+ per year and live on their own/with partner, yet come here to penny pinch and snatch bargains, there's people out there who could use it more while you stock up on shit you don't actually need or could afford to buy regardless (just sayin')"


      I earn 35 million dollars p/hr, live with my spouse, own 564 houses in Sydney and I also hate it when people do that! Because it's so unnecessary! Nobody wants to hear some random prick's ego trip.

      • We're all here because we're tightarses, 9/10 of us wont happily admit so it seems around here. But I will.
        When the toothpaste is 15c off all the rich buggers don't need to hop into their Bentleys and rush down to Coles to buy the shelf out.
        If I had cash coming out of my arse I wouldn't even know about this website.

  • Right wing assholes who just HAVE to interject their shitty politics into barely related threads.

    • yep, always commenting on something about Vegan is best in a burger deal or Genetically Modified foods will kill your kids in some food deal - over and over if you dont like it people dont comment on that deal.

    • +1

      The left wing ones are OK then to interject their shitty politics?

    • Right wing assholes who just HAVE to interject their shitty politics into barely related threads.

      you can thank the labor party for that

  • +1

    deals that are not really deals. 10% off is not a deal at all.

    ebay deals that are not officially announced yet, they should be either in the forums or not listed at all. Wait until Ebay announces it so all details are available.

    deals that are for one store or say ebay 20% off, than the constant posts afterwards listing all the individual items.
    eg ebay 20% off, the people list xx TV, xy TV xz TV all in separate posts - yes we get it, they are 20% off like the original post said.

    • +1

      10% off is sometimes a deal. It all depends on the product. Apple products are never on sale and 10% off is the best your ever get so it is a deal but 10% off envelops wouldn't be a great deal.

      • +1

        Maybe, I still dont think its a deal though. It is cheaper but not a deal or a bargain.

  • +3

    Seeing Condom posts constantly on the front page, and to make it worse, they all have 50+ posts within 30 minutes… I facepalm every time.

    • +2

      same… as someone said earlier, it would be nice to hide posts based on keywords…..

    • Why you no like freeeeee condom!!!!

    • Because ozbargainers like to dream.

  • +4


    • +1

      ^ finally!

    • Not even ebooks that wouldn't themselves be free if they worked?

      • You can always filter them out if you don't like them. Imagine all the great deals we got from this site. I don't know about everyone, but for me, this site changed the way I do things. My purchase habits. The community helped me to save real money on things,I would have otherwise bought anyway. And about those ebooks and courses, hey if it helps at least one person, I am cool with that. Have an open and positive mind, one man's trash is another man's treasure.

  • Many people like me used the promo exactly how it was intended. Because GyG is overpriced (IMO), I never bothered buying any food from them in the past. Then came this free & $5 Burrito offer which I used and every since then, I have bought lunch from them few times. Yes, I still believe that they are over priced but I just loved their Burrito bowl. I have also introduced three more friends to GyG app during the promo period.

    At one time, I also thought of using $2 Sim card but out of principles, I chose not to exploit the system. After reading this article, I am feeling proud of myself that I didn't participate in exploiting GyG business.

  • +1

    I dont really have much that bothers me, I dislike when people create a post and have no real information that they go and fill in later like its done purely to be "first"….

  • -1

    People here can be complete jerks when it comes to voting, and bullying is rife. It's certainly not everyone but it only takes a few bad apples.

  • +1

    Search results sorted by relevance that aren't really all that relevant. An example being a search for 'Dominos' brings up results from as far back as 2009 on the first page. Changing to sort by post date helps, but contains any post or comment mentioning Dominos, when I'm actually just wanting to see if there's any current voucher code. Maybe I'm doing something wrong and not using the correct search parameters, but the default settings are not exactly the most useful.

    • Yeah the current search could be better. Sort by date with the ability to set a minimum vote count would help. And the option to search in title only or whole post.

      • +1

        And the option to search in title only or whole post.

        i asked about this.. there is an option which you can include


    • Search box up top should drop-down the option for the Domino's store page, that's what you want :)

    • OK, well I know what my next site tutorial post is going to be :).

      So to search for Domino's deal. There are a two ways to find the deal.

      1) Start typing Dominos in the search box and you are presented with this:


      When you click on Dominos you are brought to the Domino's Store page.

      2) Search for Dominos either in the search bar or the search page.


      The store page is shown as the first result which when clicked will again bring you to the Domino's Store page.

      Not to say that our search can't be improved but Google has set the standard so high that it makes any other site searches look pretty awful.

      Also, if you want to search for something that's not a store and don't want to see expired deals then click the option for Type: Deals (No Expired)


      • I know what my next site tutorial post is going to be

        Please be a tutorial on embedding images/gifs 🌆

        • Only mods can embed images

  • +1

    Thumbnails not working

    • Gravatar is having issues. We've put a fix in, should be all good now.

      • was only messing, but good to know

  • +1

    Not being able to leave a negative vote when and Item clearly is not a bargain.

    • Voting Guidelines.

      Inappropriate uses of negative vote

      No explanation of the vote

  • -1

    The racism/sexism/hatred on here. I've been a member for years, and it's driven me away. I used to browse daily, but any time there is a post that touches on religion or any other culture ever so slightly, there is a flood of downright racist posts, and other posts that are "I'm not being racist I'm just telling it like it is/just telling a joke". I was going to send the mods a message but I don't think it will change anything.

    I used to like the community here, but that's it for me. It's disgusting to read, and not moderated tightly enough, so I'm done. I know I don't have to read comments or whatever, but I don't like being involved at all anymore.

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