Sony is clearing out some older Xperia phones and tablets. The tablet seems well priced, it is waterproof and has PS4 Remote Play.…
Other clearance items:
- Z5 Premium $999
- Z3 $599
Sony is clearing out some older Xperia phones and tablets. The tablet seems well priced, it is waterproof and has PS4 Remote Play.…
Other clearance items:
- Z5 Premium $999
- Z3 $599
Not sure why you initially got negged.
Sucks if its only limited to one store in Sydney!
Just a heads up, that 'clearance' price for the Z5 premium is terrible.
Mobileciti do it for $769
I got grey import Z5P for $624 using the last eBay 20% off code. Think it was ~$680 ish before code.
Yeah grabbed a tablet good price and good tablet
Where did you buy it online?
God, what an awful price for the Z5P.
No one should be paying $1000 for a Snapdragon 810 device in 2016.
I just brought the Lg g5 with Snapdragon 820 for ~480 so defo, however this is sony!
Sony's hardware isn't usually overpriced, it's actually normally good vfm considering the quality of it. However, the Z5 is an absolute failure that should have never been released into the wild.
I really liked the Z5 series. I think the X series is an absolute disaster.
the Z5 is an absolute failure
Sure, absolute, no redeeming qualities at all, thing didn't even turn on it was that totally and utterly and absolutely … wait what?
@Diji1: I'm sure everything has some good features but that flag ship expensive premium phone should never have had a faulty processor in it. I'm not hating on Sony, far from it. The Z5 is well known to be a mess though.
@Where's_That_Cake: The new Xperia range. Same price premium as the old series but:
A) No 4K Video Recording
B) No choice of screen size, 5" on all three models
C) 'Only' 3GB of RAM (at that price, needs to be 4 or more)
D) Crappy chipsets, S820 is only on the highest end model
E) Thick, horrendous bezels
F) No more premium materials, you get a cheap plastic frame and hollow, very cheap-feeling metal back
G) Mediocre cameras
And, as I said, they didn't reduce the price, they're just as expensive, just way worse. New X-series phones coming at IFA though, they look promising.
I'm with you there. I love the Xperia phones, but to me they lost the plot after the Z3. No mag charge horizontal dock, bigger bezels/lower screen:body ratio. If I lost my Z3, I'd probably just buy another Z3 or maybe a Z3+ (if they were any better).
@Where's_That_Cake: Fair enough - I've read those too but for every negative experience there is someone like me who loves theirs, so calling it "an absolute failure" is a bit of a tall order.
As for the reviews, I don't hold most review sites in high regard but the Z5 range got overwhelmingly positive reviews. The X series is another story altogether…I'm now concerned that Sony will exit the phone market after all, which wouldn't be good for competition or innovation.
@elektron: So, if I were to revoke the 'absolute' and just revert to regular 'failure' would you be more inclined to agree? Tbh considering how pedantic you are about my use of language I'd have thought you'd be a little more fussy with your choice of phone :p
Where you get your LG G5 for that price.
It was this store, with the ebay discount last week:…
810 + Xperia = 1810
Just called up the store in chatswood I'm in Perth, just $20 for postage delivery.
Not bad, tempted to phone them up, however my "don't really need it" instinct holds me back. If it was that kind of price at some kind of place where I could just click a button to buy it would be easy enough to overcome the laziness :)
Also worth noting, this tablet won't be receiving the Android N update, not that it should be much of a deal breaker.
Still asking $599 for the Z3? Seems bit much. That ones not slated to get Android N either..
I got my z5p on day one and paid much less than $999 through MSY
z3 tablet and phone are not getting the android N update in case this effects your choice.
Crazy but true. Sony should have a hard time offloading these at this price as a result.
Where did you see that the Z3 is not getting N?
Given you can download the developer version for the Z3, i think that's a good sign it will get it.…
Not that they've specifically said it wont, but they've announced which devices will and it's not on the list..…
It does seem strange they'd release a dev preview but not a final.
Support for the z3s chipset was dropped from the AOSP source code, so Sony have dropped it. Yes the irony of the concept rom had not been lost in the user's who now suddenly miss out on a final.
They did something similar when they failed to deliver a final Android 4 build to users of the Xperia Play despite running a beta for it a few years ago.
Google and Sony for a start! DYOR. It seems to be due to the Snapdragon 801. Developer versions may work, but they're not official. Sucks that Nexus 7 2013 is also not getting it. Again, due to the Snapdragon.
Yeah, this is because google/qualcomm removed support of the snapdragon 801 chips et in the later builds of Nougat. Not Sony's fault. They had the concept ROM for the z3, until the support for the chipset was removed.
Does this tablet have 4g LTE?
Looks like the Sony Z6 is coming out soon.
No. There is no Z6 tablet. Sony stop manufacturing tablet…
They make the best android tablet but they don't know how to sell it
It's very hard to get the tablet to customer hands…
Yep, a real shame, I own the Z4 tablet and it's a really great device. Telstra are flat out hopeless at updates though, only just got Marshmallow 2 weeks ago.
Yeah, they make really nice hardware in my books. I can't understand why they didn't do well.
I love my Z2 tablet, it's still an excellent piece of hardware even now. Paper thin, super fast and had never had an issue.
Yeah, I'm thinking of buying one even now for a kitchen utility (eg cook book etc) - it still has the mag dock, water resistant so easy clean. The Z4 lost the charge dock, which was a numb nut move on Sony's part IMHO.
Sony is literally an insurance company now.
I came across this cradle for the car that looked interesting for your Sony smartphone:…
I liked the idea a lot. Why should you pay for another expensive display while your phone already have the best on it. I'm interesed to see if Sony is going to support Android Auto.
very limited stock, this has been the price since last last year for the Z3 compact tablet.
The iPad Mini 2 from 2013 will get iOS 10 and you can snag one refurbished for $350 (32gb). Much better choice of a "mini" tablet imho.
got the walkman a25 for $150 from them yesterday
Called Chatswood to ask about this, apparently the person who got this deal (you?) purchased a lot of items therefore was able to negotiate a good discount on the A25. Otherwise they would not budge on the $279 RRP.
Thanks OP, I ordered a Z3 tablet over the phone. They're out of stock but getting more in a couple of days. The guy didn't mention a delivery fee so it will be interesting to see what happens there.
Just called Chatswood shop, they put the price back up to $440. Des is finished. :(
This deal is back on, price back down to $296.
Was just there at Chatswood for lunch and thought I'd ask them if the deal will be back, and lo and behold it is on again!
Price now is now $296 and they have around 20 tablets in stock. They told me they were WiFi only tablets, so does not have 3G capability.
Can you buy it online?