I have a full time job at University. I want to become PT as my causal job in futute. wanting a cheap online course to obtain qualification at end. found a $499 for certificate 3 provided by sand goanna institute
Any thoughts or suggestions?
I have a full time job at University. I want to become PT as my causal job in futute. wanting a cheap online course to obtain qualification at end. found a $499 for certificate 3 provided by sand goanna institute
Any thoughts or suggestions?
Hmm, whoever negged you clearly hasn't been keeping up the the news in the last week regarding dodgy RTOs…
Cant edit cos negs. Didnt mean to sound straight up negative but from alot of reading on whirlpool and reddit - once some employers see certificates from mickey mouse 'training centres' they instantly dismiss that candidate. Its unfair but some of these places are a joke. Im not saying all are, but you need to do your own research.
Also I shit you not, a year back I asked on whirlpool about whether a certain pay to learn place was 'dodgy or legit' and within an hour I had a private message stating to take it down or face 'action' because of the slang I used. I spoke to the mods and we rephrased it formally without slang. Didnt get a response from anyone but the threats they made to me made my mind up enough - they just want money.
Sadly though, despite being somewhat blunt it's quite succinct as a lot of young people have found out the hard (expensive) way.
Things will get worse too as the Government investigates & reforms the RTO sector, further diluting any value the qualifications may have held in the first place. Personally, I wouldn't touch a Cert 3/4 from anywhere other than a TAFE until there's been serious changes to the industry.
@StewBalls: >Personally, I wouldn't touch a Cert 3/4 from anywhere other than a TAFE until there's been serious changes to the industry
Preach. With the exception of accredited schools devoted to niche subjects like trade schools/masseuse places but im sure you knew that.
Contact PhysicalActivity Aus. They recommended against some TAFES but did recommend a couple of reputable RTOs.
This is a national Cert III course with an RTO. Totally different than the one's you prefer to pay for and do online. So the piece of paper is recognised throughout Australia as completing an accredited program. The RTO is audited and must reach minimum standards in delivery material and assessment.
Are you serious about "physiotherapy"? You won't get into physio work unless you have completed the Degree in Physiotherapy. And only the top 1% of students get in who apply -it is very competitive. You might have to do some practical work experience as part of the course - but no company will let a student loose on the public unless they are close to finishing their degree. A lot of physio's spend a lot of time massaging which some do not like.
Another line of work that the OP could study is sports massage - which also requires a Cert III in Massage as a minimum. Can't do anything these days without that piece of paper that says you are qualified.
sand goanna institute
Sounds Ivy League…just conjures up images of smoking jackets, cravats, Chesterfield sofas & 150 year old scotch in crystal decanters! ;)
It looks like Hogwarts…Morphett Vale Miniature Trains must have a platform 9 & 3/4… :P
Hehe, I didnt even see that. What a joke name. I pray im %100 wrong and sand goanna inst. is a cutting edge think tank full of wonder, insight and wisdom.
My favourite quote from this company is "often referred to as Australia’s, Online version of “Harvard”" (https://sandgoanna.com.au/scooponlink/).
As someone that's been forced to do such courses in the past I often wonder the point of having to pay so much money at all. I just want to study myself from open-source material and pay a fair price for practicals or an assessment.
If somewhere like Khan Academy did these courses you'd probably absorb a lot more. Most businesses in Australia are targeting people on the dole.
I Appreciate all the responses but didnot have any idea so far
Cert3 and Cert4 are often offered on a part-time basis at TAFE, allowing you to keep a full time job and study at night. You will get a lot more mature age students in the same boat as you. TAFE offers essential hands on component, that most online courses won't.
This is cut & pasted from the Scoopon Deal- The Cert III Fitness (SIS30315): This course is a self paced course which means students take control of their study and can complete the course at their own pace. The theory is delivered using our online learning portal, combined with practical work experience which must be completed within industry via correspondence. Work experience is arranged by the student.
So it's not going to matter a zac what the building looks like - you study online. Only unemployed people get the SA Govt's TAFE reduced fees. By the looks the only SATAFE that offers this is Regency Park but can't see details for Sem 2 2016 or 2017. The Cert III Fitness will cost up to $2,645 studied PT- online and some campus.There are pros and cons for online study. With online you can fast track - classroom you can't. But a Cert III Fitness is mandatory to work in this Industry. It is a national accredited program meaning that it follows the same curriculum no matter which RTO you attend. You have to be into fitness with a passion though to work in this industry - so if you are fat, slovenly and eat too much junk food you wouldn't get a job anyway.
I would suggest get the piece of paper and see if you can do your practical at the gym where you want to work. Believe me TAFE is not all its cracked up to be either. Some pretty "old thinking" policies exist in this Govt funded institution. I did one TAFE online course a couple of years ago and their "online" was through a portal which when you logged on stated that you had to read the information about the units in books that they printed which you then had to buy. And they weren't flexible. I couldn't start straight away - had to wait till the teachers came back from holidays and even though it was online - couldn't do the units I wanted. Had to work in with their teachers as they were employed part time.
But if you come across a dodgy RTO - report them straight away. Have to stamp out the dodgy scumbags.
Thanks mate! I have been training myself for a few yrs and thinking step in and be a PT
Alot of those online course certificates arent worth wiping your arse with as they are there to make money off of you. Id look more at internships while studying something specific like physiotherapy or something else thats related. Also you'd have better luck at whirlpool for this type of question.