Due to family reasons i've had to do the drive between Brisbane and Sydney 4 times in the last 10 days. Normally i'd fly but with the issue i've been dealing with it's so much easier to drive (and i've been catching up on my audible collection in the car as a bonus)
In the cities i've generally had no issues - in the country though I've had some near misses - one car actually crossed to the wrong side of the road on a blind corner and almost went head on into me.
i'm not sure if it's because it was a wicked camper but it seems like the issues I have seen and been involved in are backpackers - they generally have those oval country code stickers on the cars or drive those converted vans that have beds and stuff in them.
anyone else have a similar experience?
yes back packers are the worst drivers. Normally european so they dont quite understand how to use a round about (its like driving in paris around the arc du triomphe and its a free for all). I drive accross the country a fair bit and there are nothing but wicked campers doing the wrong thing. They swerve from the far side of the street to the other just to turn causing accidents in their path.