This was posted 8 years 6 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Xbox Games with Gold September 2016 - Earthlock, Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: China, Forza Horizon & Mirror’s Edge


Earthlock: Festival of Magic: Available from September 1-30 on Xbox One

Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: China: Available from September 16- October 15 on Xbox One

Forza Horizon: Available from September 1-15 on Xbox 360 & Xbox One

Mirror’s Edge: Available from September 16-30 on Xbox 360 & Xbox One

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Kewl, never played mirrors edge, heard it was pretty.

    • +1

      ….pretty mediocre…

      • +3

        I agree with this… Pretty boring

    • It caught my interest for a little while and the music and story were nicer than I'm use to. The controls on PC at least could get frustrating, at least for me, but I'm by no means a hardcore gamer. Definitely worth a play. I already own it on disc but this means I don't have to dig it out each time….if I ever get round to playing on the 360 that is.

      • +4

        Mirror's Edge is backwards compatible with XBOX ONE.

        • …which I don't own and probably won't own for some time if at all.

    • +7

      Great game. Well worth the play.

    • +8

      Its a great game but it divides the playing community.

      I think ppl want a FPS but that's not what it is. Despite combat and gunplay being a part of the game that's not the focus and it can be played without ever firing a gun.

      Try it but know what to expect.

      Hey, it's free, it can't hurt, right??

    • +3

      It's great, give it a go. Don't go in expecting a shooter with parkour elements, this is one of the reasons the game is so divisive (mismatched expectations). As soon as you pick up a gun, your mobility goes out the window.

      If anything, I recommend you do a pacifist playthrough (IIRC there's an achievement for finishing the game without firing a gun, and it makes it a lot more enjoyable).

    • +1

      Actually, the X360 port was poorly made. That's the first game I remember where the PS3 version was far better.

  • +7

    Good to see horizon finally making backward compatibility. Given it was shown in the adverts on backward compatibility launch it was odd it took so long.

    • +1

      So psyched! Glad I kept my save in the cloud on that one.

  • +4

    Fantastic lineup again.. xbox monthly free games are generally good.. im really interested in that earthlock one too, need some more rpgs on xbox so that's very welcome

  • -3

    Another pass month for me….

  • +2

    I activated a month trial the other day for some reason, 10/10 glad I did because I've been so close to picking up Horizon and Mirror's Edge is a classic, even if I have it on PS3, any excuse to replay a great game.

    AC I'll give a go too since I was intending on picking up the trilogy forever ago.

    All in all, good month, and I'm glad I have the trial and 360 games can be kept, because I would have bought both 360 titles at some point.

    • Trial gold isn't always eligible for games with gold. Double check before you hit confirm. I got charged once.

      • +1

        Yeah, I've done my research and been caught before too. In my case I activated the 2 week trial that came with the machine, apparently you can't get GWG with that, I got the 2 Xbone games for the month though but not the 360 ones weirdly. The other week I swapped over my account to be on USA so I could get this one free game and then I got told I could get a month's trial again.

        Anyway, what my research, and "field testing" above found out for me, is that you can't get GWG on a 2 day, 1 week, or 2 week trial. The only trial you can get them on is one that requires a credit (or debit) card, which my one monther did.

  • Awesome!

  • +2

    Forza Horizon is such a great game.

    I hope my old 360 save can "cloud" to the Xbox One.

  • -5

    So is this forza horizon 1 and why does it mention xbox one? Was this not just for xbox 360? So having a copy for xbox 360 what does that mean?
    I have not used or looked into my 360 games but how does one play them on xbox one?
    Just stick disc in or more to it?
    How do i know which 360 games work on the xbox one?
    And reading above mirror edge is this 360 version?
    As i just purchased the xbox one version the other week and have copy for 360 also.

    • +12

      If you have thousands of questions, it's time to make a friend with Google.

    • +3

      Xbox one has a backwards compatibility feature. Select xbox 360 games games work and more are being added all the time. Ongoing, All xbox gold 360 games are backwards compatible. Here's a list of games that work: Major Nelson, the xbox community manager, announces new games through twitter/his blog. To play a backwards compatible 360 game on your xbox one, either buy a digital copy from the store or put your 360 disc into your xbox one. It will then download the backwards compatible version of the game (if using a disc version you will need the disc in the drive whenever you play).

  • Finally a solid good line up month this time around. Previous months have been 50-50 and even nil for me. But this month everything in the line up will be played and enjoyed by me. Thanks OP and give my regards to Major Nelson ☺

  • Can I use my xbox gold trials to get these games?

    • On Xbox One only (not 360) you can use trials to download and play these games. However you must have an active trial or paid for subscription in order to play them. Once its ran out you will no longer be able to play them unless you activate more gold on your account.

      • I have neither :( Don't play enough to justify getting a gold account. Thanks for the heads up anyways!

      • I was on Xbox Support the other day about something and when we wrapped up the convo they asked if there was anything else they could do for me and I asked if you still get to keep the 360 games when your sub ends. They said you do. I hope you do, I'll be finding out in a month or so anyway. It's insanely hard to find a source on that though, everyone on the net says something else though so I think I'll have to wait and see. But I hope so, because I want both of those (profanity) on my hard drive.

        • For those of us on Xbox 360. Games that are downloaded as apart of Games with Gold can be kept (and played offline) after the subscription has ended. But you need a paid for subscription to download (not a trail)

        • @brandogs: That's what I thought, but I was also told that if the trial requires a credit card you'll get to keep them. Is this true or? Cause if not I'll pick up a month just to keep those 2 permanently.

        • +1

          @TheDukeOfNukem: From what I've read trials can only download the games from the xbox one console (not on or on xbox 360) only PAID subscriptions can download GWG on 360. xbox 360 is older technology then the xbox one, all games can be played offline so once downloaded you're all good.

        • @brandogs: Works for me since I only have an Xbone anyways. Cheers man!

        • @TheDukeOfNukem: Oh! i thought you had only 360. If you are on the XB1 then you can't play the games unless signed in on an account with a trial or gold active, otherwise they wont work. But you will always keep them just wont be playable until you activate another trial or more gold.

        • +1

          @brandogs: God damn it! Damn. Shit. Damn. Damn. Seriously damn. I was so keen on those 2, damn it.

          Like legit, it's my birthday in an hour and a half and you've ruined my day! :'(

          Seriously though, that's a major bummer, I don't yet have a really good racer on Xbone and Forza for free would have been great. If I had hindsight I'd have jumped on that free Fast and Furious Forza thing way back when just in case I'd ever bought an Xbone.

        • @TheDukeOfNukem: A one month or greater trial will do it for you though, it's just the shorter ones that won't work for GWG.

        • @TheDukeOfNukem: if you want just make a brand new gamertag on and activate the free month. Only thing is by doing so you dont get any achievements or progress saved for your main account.

        • @StewBalls: So I will be able to keep the 2 360 games? That's great and all, but really highlights how I keep hearing conflicting things. I sure do hope so though.

        • @brandogs: Couldn't really care less about achievements tbh, I used to be pretty into trophy hunting but (probably influenced by having a baby) I've scaled back a lot and mostly just play for fun whenever I can, don't really have the time to go hunting that next plat too often anymore. Might have to do this just as a back up in case though, I really wouldn't mind Forza.

        • +1

          @TheDukeOfNukem: It's not really that conflicting, once you download any of the GWG they are yours to keep; however, whilst they will still be yours, and the 360 titles will continue to work without renewing your Gold membership, the XB1 titles will just not be playable until you renew.

    • +1

      I have recently activated a 2 week Xbox gold trial on an Xbox one and I can't download these games for free, Microsoft wants me to pay full price for them. If I click on the free link it asks me to pony up for a gold subscription. The 1 month trials, if you have one of those may be different.

      Forza Horizon (even the new demo) is like a boring open world version of Burnout but without the stunts… I don't understand why people like it. Mirror's Edge was ok though. Really shame the sequel didn't build on the concept well.

      • Yeah I read about that recently, 14 days for some reason don't work but I'm fairly certain the one month trial (sign up trial) works. not to sure about 2 day or 7 day trials.

  • anyone else having issues getting horizon? it either won't load, gives me a runtime error or goes to some bizarre non page when i click on it.. never had an issue getting any other free game b4

  • Im confused about mirror edge for xbox 360 and one and horizon for xbox 360 and one.

    I still own a copy of mirror edge for 360 and now a xbox one copy.

    Im also sure i own xbox 360 horizon i take this is first edition? And i own horizon 2 xbox one which has nothing to do with this but what do i get from this being on xbox gold?
    As i have hard copies already?

    • what do i get from this being on xbox gold? As i have hard copies already?

      You get digital versions of the games you already own, both playable on the Xbox 360 and the Xbox One. If you want, you can now sell the physical versions of Mirror's Edge/ Forza Horizon if you prefer them digitised instead.

      Im also sure i own xbox 360 horizon i take this is first edition?

      If you mean 'First Edition' as in the first iteration of the Forza Horizon series, then yes it is.

      • Confused i prefer physical copies over digital copies.
        So really these mean nothing to me then as i said have xbox 360 and one of mirror edge so im sure there be a difference in the two as still not played them yet.

        And as for horizon i need to check if i had a copy stored away for the xbox 360 if i have again this being on gold is no good to me right?

        I take this is if you dont have them? So if i find i dont have horizon then all good as can download that.

        I still to get my head around the backward compatibility of 360 games on xbox one. Do i just grab a 360 game and look to see if compatible and if so what?
        As i have a few 360 titles i would not mind using on xbox one.

  • Not sure what's confusing. If you already own a game and you get given that game for free, then yes, it may not be of use to you. If you don't own the game, now you do - great !

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