Hi guys,
I don't want to add to the list of "I got a parking fine and just want to complain" but I believe it was unjustified and don't really like the options they've left me with. "If you… choose to be prosecuted…"
Short story: I am from Victoria, and was parking a rented car (with a Victorian number plate) in the beautiful Adelaide Hills, SA. I parked in a zone which looked like it was okay to park: https://postimg.org/image/mqguuwby5/
However, I got fined for parking on a yellow line. There's no No Standing sign or anything, and in Victoria we don't have yellow lines like that. I sent an email to them with pictures like the above showing that it was not there. This is how they replied: https://postimg.org/image/ab6nenklx/
I've heard that they can't prosecute you interstate but I don't know if that's true or if it's a good path to go down (since I like being a law-abiding citizen; I just don't like paying $93 for something I didn't do).
Maybe if I don't pay, the rental company will end up suing me? Not sure.
Any advice? Thanks in advance.
Ignorance of the law is not an excuse.
Pay it and move on…