Tough Mudder Obstacles

Im' curious if people have done the Tough Mudder vs Tough Mudder Half before. I'm thinking of doing the Half length, frankly I don't think I'd make 20km distance even though i am confident I'd be ok with the obstacles

My main query is this: do they end up screwing you a bit on the obstacles on the shorter version, i.e you miss out on the "better" obstacles? They specifically say 14 for the Half, and "20+" for the Full, but only give a few examples of what to expect for each, and none of them overlap. Any experience or anecdotal would be great

Thanks y'all


  • Do the full man, it might be 20km but its broken up so much by the obstacles that you really don't notice the distance. It's completely different to actually running 20km. You'll regret just doing the half I guarantee it. Challenge yourself and do you full length one, don't do things in halves :)

  • Depends on what you call better? If you mean more eleborate ones then yes the half had most of the 'better' ones. They dont want to spend all that money on cool stuff only half the people will see. However back yourself and go the full one, I'm a fat man and I made it. Its amazing what the body can do when you push it.

  • do the full!
    although the 20km, while sounds easy is tough when you factor it obstacles, mud and weather!

    do a bit of cardio training and you will be fine, it is broken up by obstacles but near the ends it'll hit ya

  • +2

    Join the Army, I did and they paid me to do Tough Mudders regularly, they just called it an 'obstacle course' but same kind of thing. The organisers of the Army version aren't as friendly, in fact their public relations department wears white and red singlets and they chase you through the course screaming abuse at you. On the Army version, most of the time the group encouragement and howls of 'Good Job' are drowned out by the noise of automatic weapons and pyrotechnics, but you will get to climb cargo nets, swim through stagnant water and get extremely dirty. The Army version also provides free team uniforms (although all the teams essentially just get the same camouflage uniform).

    • I know you're joking, but if i could literally join then quit whenever I wanted to (and didn't have to get up at 5am) I would actually consider it

  • Do the full, a lot of people just walk the course anyway.

    "With no podiums, winners, or clocks to race against, it’s not about how fast you can cross the finish line. Rather, it’s a challenge that emphasizes teamwork, camaraderie, and accomplishing something almost as tough as you are."

  • this is ozbargain - which is the cheapest option?

    • yerr, can we hire someone to do it for us…

    • The Half race is available on Scoopon, hence why I'm asking. Its there for around $80pp, retail is $120pp, and the full one is nearly $200. That's off the top fo my head, I did look at the numbers yesterday

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