NSW (Albury) vs. Vic (Wodonga) Real Estate Purchase

We'll be moving to Albury-Wodonga soon for work, and are hoping to purchase a property (ideally a new home ~$350k) if we decide it is the right place for us.

A few questions:

  1. Are there benefits to purchasing a property in NSW vs. Vic? The FHOG is the same in both states.

  2. Can anyone recommend family friendly areas of either town? I have heard that there are pockets within Lavington and Glenroy to avoid.

Thank you!


  • +1

    Ex-Albury resident here.

    Why not contact local real estate agents?
    I would contact the Albury and Wodonga franchisees of one chain (Professionals?), and let them know I was talking to the other as well.

    I used to live on the corner of Union Road, and Sutherland Street, and it was a nice area - going back a bit, though.

  • +1

    3) other cost factors to consider, vic v nsw:
    eg. car rego is cheaper in vic, perhaps up to a few hundred per car per year.
    if you have 2 cars then it may be worth consideration.

    • Good advice - had not even thought about that aspect!

  • +1

    Ex-Albury resident here.

    Wodonga is shit.

    a travel writer went there and wrote that it had no attractions. The locals were outraged and up in arms - "how could he say that?!?!?!?". When confronted by upset residents, he asked them point blank to name 1 tourist site Wodonga had to offer. they just umm'd and arr'd.

    Lavington and Kilroy are…scary.

    Forest Hill is very very nice. it's where I'd buy.

    or east albury. (but no further east than albury base hospital and no more north than Borella Rd. (though north of borella rd may have improved since I lived there 7 years ago (but I doubt it).

    also my money is on south albury. - traditionally it has been very average as an area (mixed residential and industry) however with the bypass being built and no more expansion in that direction then the finite space and closeness to Dean St (main street) will make it a good future investment (however, how long that will take is another question.)

    • LOL. Reminds me of when Lonely Planet reviewed Mt Gambier.

      Thanks for that. Yes, it looks like the South Albury gentrification is in progress.

  • +1

    I prefer Albury. Has a better vibe but in saying that there are good parts of Albury and not so good parts and the same with Wodonga.

    Albury has Dean St and the precinct around it so great if you like to eat out often or go to the movies etc.

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