I got in on a deal a while back for free $10 to sign up to Gyft and rolled it over or something, ended up with 2x15$ Amazon cards for a good price.
Anyhow, I just tried again to use Gyft https://www.gyft.com/buy-gift-cards/amazon-com-b2c/ <- and when I go to submit it picks up my Aussie IP and spits back.
"Oops, there has been a problem!
Sorry, it appears you are located outside the United States. Gyft is currently only available in the United States. Please check our help center for additional information."
(Despite me having used Gyft previously)
I have some money on PayPal and I need to spend it on Amazon (well, I'd prefer to use the PayPal money)
Is this possible in any way?
Just found another site, "EGifter" and I got this error.
"Amazon.com is not available for sale outside the US and has been removed from your cart"
God damnit, I am using legal money for goodness sakes, I'm even happy to wait 72 hours for clearance or some stupidity.
Very frustrating.