15% off Goods Deals @ Groupon
EDIT: 15% off appliances with code BRANDSALE
Terms, conditions and exclusions apply
15% off Goods Deals @ Groupon
EDIT: 15% off appliances with code BRANDSALE
Terms, conditions and exclusions apply
This is 4 hours too lie fml
No way I'm buying from Groupon. Cant even remove myself from their mailing list.
now they are clogging up my spam box
Why can't you remove yourself from their mailing list?
I never get any spam from them except for the times that I've forgotten to uncheck the marketing checkbox. Even then it's been easy to unsubscribe.
Have tried quite a few times over the last month and its not working. I shouldnt be getting any of their emails.
Guess my email is just gone awol within their system.
Yep, have used that link more than a few times.
Have even used the link down the right hand side 'Unsubscribe from all Groupon emails', when i click it says "No subscription changes were made." Meaning I shouldn't be getting anything but I am.
@Barry Beetroot: Are you sure you're signing in using the same email address that the emails are being sent to? Could be you've got a second account with a slightly different email address, eg "[email protected]" and "[email protected]"
Yeh so the email address that appears on the subscription page right hand side, is the same email address that they are using to send me stuff. (i've just checked the emails from them (again))
I think i've covered all my bases.. so i'm pretty sure something is wrong their end.
i was trying to get Goldcoast theme park tickets…still expensive???
Has Adam hit hard times ?