Alpha Test - Grocery Comparison Website - Feedback

Whenever I shopped online for groceries, it frustrated me by how inefficient it was in many ways. It takes forever to shop around to find the best value for money.

Instead of just accepting it for what it is, we decided to do something about it.

We created a prototype that allows you to compare the price of one shopping basket to another from the 2 major supermarkets.

This algorithm makes the continuous search for the best value easier and faster.

In fact, what we found out was, it can save about 30% of your shopping bill if you split your purchase across different supermarket chains.

I have started with this beta version first and now I think it can become something bigger. Perhaps it could evolve into comparing the health and nutritional values of different products or even their environmental impact.

Before I take it any further, I thought it would be good to reach out to the OzBargain community and see what people think of it, where it could go next..

We have an idea of where we want to take it but we really interested in your feedback so we can build the best solution.

We are also looking for passionate people to join the team.

I invite you to check it out at
(Username - demo / Password – alphatester)

And l look forward to what you have to say !

How it works:
Cut and past whole recipes like this:

6 (650g) tandoori marinated chicken skewers
4 naan bread
1/2 cup plain Greek-style yoghurt
2 tablespoons mango chutney
50g baby spinach
1/2 small red onion, cut into thin wedges
2 tablespoons sultanas
2 tablespoons slivered almonds

And click search we do the rest.

The alpha version is only sample data from 4 postcodes. About 80k products

Use postcode 3181 for this version.

Send us feedback if you want to be updated with our progress.

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  • Great work…

    Maybe you can collaborate with @jazoom (search him up on Ozb), who founded Pricehipster which is very smooth and great functionality

  • +1

    Awesome! I'll make contact :)

  • pasted this recipe and got zero return

    800g pumpkin, peeled, seeded, cut into 1.5cm cubes
    Spray olive oil
    1 tablespoon olive oil
    1 onion, finely chopped
    2 garlic cloves, crushed
    1 teaspoon finely grated ginger
    1 teaspoon ground coriander
    1/2 teaspoon turmeric
    190g (1 cup) quinoa, rinsed, drained
    100g trimmed kale leaves, shredded
    40g (1/4 cup) pepitas
    SAXA Pink Himalayan Salt Flakes, to season
    • +1

      Worked for me…Maybe u changed the postcode?

      • +1

        tried a few moments later and it worked, although it didnt find all item and some were weird (quinoa was bread)

      • You can't change the post code it's only sample data

        • Doesn't work for my postcode (3125)

        • @ahly92:
          Only sample data.. Use the postcode 3181, we will make the postcode changeable via a drop down to make it easier.

  • +1

    Checking it out now

  • Pasted in this recently discovered secret herbs and spices recipe. Apart from the Rogan Josh & Tuna it found, I nearly had all the ingredients to make my self a Colonel!

    2 cups all-purpose flour
    2/3 tablespoon salt
    1/2 tablespoon dried thyme leaves
    1/2 tablespoon dried basil leaves
    1/3 tablespoon dried oregano leaves
    1 tablespoon celery salt
    1 tablespoon ground black pepper
    1 tablespoon dried mustard
    4 tablespoons paprika
    2 tablespoons garlic salt
    1 tablespoon ground ginger
    3 tablespoons ground white pepper
    1 cup buttermilk
    1 egg, beaten
    1 chicken, cut up, the breast pieces cut in half for more even frying
    Expeller-pressed canola oil

  • That's really cool. One thing I would like is a tool where I can input recipe ingredients and then I get a notification when it is best to buy the ingredients for it. It would also be cool if it could collate other recipes together which require sharing a perishable ingredient eg. Herbs

    • +1

      Great ideas! Collating recipes could work like the website where you can see a discount based on the items you have in your grocery cart?

  • +1

    It worked for me.. Try it again and if it doesn't work we can work through it.

  • Somethings to consider:

    • Ozbargainers probably don't shop for specific recipes - not best bang for buck shopping.
    • Supermarkets have incentives which might be more of an influence on Ozbargainers.
    • The rest of shoppers probably do most of their shopping at one supermarket.
    • +1

      That's a great point :) The reduced items would drive the type of meals made.

  • +1


    Just thought I'd mention (going forward) that in some States and Territories, Safeway is a.k.a Woolworths.

    Also, the website incorporates an interesting
    "Shop Ingredients Now" feature.

    If you look the ingredients for a Recipe @… as an example…

    Wait… you had to choose 90-second mile-high Nutella Mug cake to illustrate a point?

    Yeah, I did, and stop licking the screen. lol

    Anyway clicking on the Red Button that says "Shop Ingredients Now" defaults/preselect to, pretty neat eh?

    So, maybe offer them or others an alternative to Coles if they aren't exclusive?

    • Haha Nutella cake sounds delicious! It's a good idea.. I did a little reasearch and found out that those alliance's are made over a two year period marketing campaigns. It may be beneficial if they could see the user experience in it. Thanks!

  • I'm impressed, couponfan789. I tried making something like this several years ago aimed at males who wanted to easily shop and cook more economically.

    My website didn't take off but I was proud of one particular feature which linked the ingredients into other recipes which included the same ingredients and made it so that the measurement of a packet (eg. 500 g) could make X serves of recipe A and also recipe B, etc, allowing the male to plan and provide X number of different meals for the family from a specific limited set of ingredients.

    • Awesome would love to check it out!

  • I shop by shopping list, and I think this looks great. I love it!

    • Nice if you have any other thoughts as to where you would take it I would be keen to know :)

  • @couponfan789 - can you please PM me.

    • Sure

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