Council Rates Compare and Discussion 16-17

This cant be apples for apples comparison.
Just thought I will post my council rates just for information.
There is no set rules in how each council works out their GRV (in my case it seems outdated)

One of the few things available for read on google search:…
In short, there is no transparency.

WA 6112 - Harrisdale
Land size - 432sqm


Financial Year: 01/07/2016 to 30/06/2017
Issue Date: 28 July 2016
Valuation: $22880.00 - GRV
ESL Usage: Residential
ESL Valuation: $22880.00

GRV - Residential Improved: (8.2650) $1,891.03
Domestic Rubbish: (363.0000) 1 $363.00
Emergency Services Levy (1.2672) $289.94

Total (1891.03+363+289.94) $2,543.97

This is a 3% increase from last year.


How your service charges have been calculated:

Water residential 1 Jul 2016 to 31 Aug 2016
Service charge for 1 residence $40.13
Sewerage residential 1 Jul 2016 to 31 Aug 2016
Based on the rateable value of $22880 $144.65
Service charges $184.78
Total charges $240.95

The rateable value of your property is the gross rental value (GRV) determined by the Valuer-General. You can object
to the GRV within 60 days, visit for details. Your charges must still be paid by the due date.

Approx $185 x 6 (Bi-monthly) = $1110

Grand Total:
$2,543+ $1,110 = $3,653

What do y'all think?
How much do you pay?
Which Suburb?
What land size?
Do you feel ripped off based on outdated assumption and GRV?


  • +3

    My rates have gone up $300 for my home. I also own a unit ( 1 of 3 on a block) and it has gone up $200. Total for unit was approx $1730 total. Council making a killing of rates from units. 1 town block netting approx $5200. So I'm last paying an extra $500 to the Shire.. Not to happy about it. Do I put up my rent on unit to cover

  • +2

    I live in the City of Sydney council area and Council is still raising rates and spending money on useless projects so it does not show a huge budget surplus. For example, I live across the road from a small 2 ha park and every 5 years the Council spends $800k to $900k on refurbishment, remodeling the park even though it doesn't need it. I guess there are whole departments in Council thinking up ways to spend their budget in remodeling the same parks over and over again just to keep themselves in a high paying job.

    No wonder the State government has mandated that Councils be forced to amalgamate.

    Another example of useless spending was last year when Council spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a flowering weed festival with mass displays of dandelions and thistles etc. I was gobsmacked.

    In NSW you can protest Council rate rises via IPART
    I'm guessing there are other such bodies in other states.

    I would like to see, on my rates notice, what proportion of my rates goes to what departments. Once I knew what proportion was spent on parks I would lobby my local councillor to cut the spending on the parks department and reduce my rates by that proportion.

  • +2

    I am glad to get out of Canberra where the rates are so high but you get nothing.

    • +2

      You get stuff in other states?

      • Apparently other states have garbage collection.

  • +1

    Brisbane must be cheapest. Half of OPs price. Rates went down this year because bushfire levy was reduced. They give $15/qtr discount for no reason.
    Under $1200 for full financial year for $242,500 land valuation, including bin service.

    Water really cheap too. $800/yr but don't remember usage numbers.

  • +1

    WA 6167 - City of Kwinana
    Land size - 836sqm


    Financial Year: 01/07/2016 to 30/06/2017
    Issue Date: 22 July 2016
    GRV/UV Valuation: 11440

    Improved Residential : $943
    Refuse and Recycle: (incl. Levy) 1 $292
    GRV Environmental Levy $100
    ESL Catagory 1 Residential (State Gov. Charge $144.97
    Total $1,479.97

    This is a DECREASE from last year. 2015/2016 was $1486.71, due to waste charge decrease.

    Water Rates, judging from a two month bill.
    Water Residential: $226.08 p/a
    Sewerage: $440.46 p/a
    Total: $666.54

    Grand Total: $2146.51 annual cost.

  • +1

    Hills Shire Council - 700sqm House - $1461.50
    Inner West Council - 490sqm house - $1669.75
    Sydney City Council - 41 sqm UNIT - $853 - in a block of over 120 for total land size of 2190sqm they're collecting over $100k

    All they do is pick up garbage

  • +1

    Thanks for sharing some of these info.. not sure where I was heading with but as I mentioned its not comparable. But somehow it seems as if though nothing can be really done about how they go about charging these rates. One day may be if and when we have substantial data we could do something with that? Who knows… :)

  • +1

    Why do councils have better gardens than everyone else. I was considering going against them one election, offering homeowners $0 rates for 10 years, subject to selling their central city property and lifestyle, and moving the council into transportables in nearby bushland (without aircond!).

  • Wow most recent news..…

    I would do anything within my powers to get out of armadale council.

    Anyone with me? How can we get 250 signs for a petition.

    • +1

      What about a letterbox Pamphlet drop for a couple weekends, asking other locals to support the petition?
      Your paying almost double costs for half my land size. When Armadale housing and Kwinanas house prices don't reflect this difference. Maybe Dalkeith or even Cottesloe would be understandable.
      Remember the City of Joondalup ousted their council entirely about 10 years ago. Look it up. It might be worth mentioning this fact in discussions with neighbours if you contact them.

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