This cant be apples for apples comparison.
Just thought I will post my council rates just for information.
There is no set rules in how each council works out their GRV (in my case it seems outdated)
One of the few things available for read on google search:…
In short, there is no transparency.
WA 6112 - Harrisdale
Land size - 432sqm
Financial Year: 01/07/2016 to 30/06/2017
Issue Date: 28 July 2016
Valuation: $22880.00 - GRV
ESL Usage: Residential
ESL Valuation: $22880.00
GRV - Residential Improved: (8.2650) $1,891.03
Domestic Rubbish: (363.0000) 1 $363.00
Emergency Services Levy (1.2672) $289.94
Total (1891.03+363+289.94) $2,543.97
This is a 3% increase from last year.
How your service charges have been calculated:
Water residential 1 Jul 2016 to 31 Aug 2016
Service charge for 1 residence $40.13
Sewerage residential 1 Jul 2016 to 31 Aug 2016
Based on the rateable value of $22880 $144.65
Service charges $184.78
Total charges $240.95
The rateable value of your property is the gross rental value (GRV) determined by the Valuer-General. You can object
to the GRV within 60 days, visit for details. Your charges must still be paid by the due date.
Approx $185 x 6 (Bi-monthly) = $1110
Grand Total:
$2,543+ $1,110 = $3,653
What do y'all think?
How much do you pay?
Which Suburb?
What land size?
Do you feel ripped off based on outdated assumption and GRV?
My rates have gone up $300 for my home. I also own a unit ( 1 of 3 on a block) and it has gone up $200. Total for unit was approx $1730 total. Council making a killing of rates from units. 1 town block netting approx $5200. So I'm last paying an extra $500 to the Shire.. Not to happy about it. Do I put up my rent on unit to cover